The Dog Liberator™

The Dog Liberator rescues abandoned dogs throughout the Southeast. Based in Central Florida, this non-profit organization fosters all of their dogs in a home environment. Founded in 2009, all dogs are fully vetted, spayed or neutered prior to adoption. The Dog Liberator focuses in rescuing the herding breed, which consists of Border Collies, Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Aussies, Collies, and Deaf/Blind Dogs.

About Turmeric

About Turmeric by Terry Lee Gonzalez:

Turmeric is one of my favorite anti-inflammatory herbs.  In India it is used to make curries.  The use of curry in India is a lot higher than it is here in the US.  Interestingly enough, the rate of Alzheimer’s in India is 1/10th what it is here in the US.  Research is currently being done on turmeric and Vitamin D in the treatment (or maybe prevention) of Alzheimer’s.

Turmeric is one of the few (natural/alternative) things that has been found to be helpful with pancreatic cancer. Ayurvedic (Indian) and Chinese medicine practitioners have used it for centuries to treat a variety of conditions.  I particularly like it for Claire Bear’s situation because the gut. Turmeric is antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-Candida, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also loaded with many healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

The best way to give your dog the turmeric is to make what I call turmeric paste.  Buy a jar of turmeric powder in the spice section of the store and dump it into a small pot.  Add enough water to make it the consistency of yogurt.  Heat it until it starts to simmer, adding water as needed.  Cook for 8 minutes.  Allow it to cool.  Put it in a mason jar or other-air tight container and store it in the refrigerator.  Get a 100cc syringe from a vet .  1 cc is equal to 1 ml.  Give her 4 cc’s 3 or 4 times a day.  You’ll have to pry open her mouth and stick the syringe a little past where the tongue meets the roof of the mouth and plunge slowly.

What you’re looking for is for your dog to SLOWLY start looking, acting and feeling better.  Yeast die-off (internal) is *rough*.  It’s better to proceed slowly.  In humans, Candida die-off causes what is called a Herxheimer Reaction.  It means as the yeast die off and release their toxins, you feel awful … fever, upset stomach, brain fog, headache.  You’ll feel like you can’t even get out of bed.  Better to go too slowly than too fast.

More from Terry:

Adding to what Gisele posted above, turmeric truly is a miracle herb. A few months ago an older friend of mine fell in the grocery store. She fell hard enough that she broke her dentures and skinned both knees. There was blood everywhere. One of the cashiers brought out the First Aid kit. I grabbed the gauze bandages out of the kit and asked if she’d get me a bottle of turmeric off the shelf. The cashier gave me a funny look, but ran and got me what I asked for.

I sprinkled the turmeric on my friend’s open wounds and the bleeding stopped immediately. I then wrapped her wounds with gauze. Turns out that turmeric is styptic, just like the styptic pencils that guys use when they cut themselves shaving. I think every mother with young kids should carry a bottle of turmeric in her purse.

Does it sting when you sprinkle turmeric on an open wound? Nope! In fact, it’s soothing. I’ve mixed turmeric with honey, just enough that I could roll a ball of it around in between my fingers, flatten it out, and place it over an open wound. It feels cool and soothing … amazingly so.

I had used turmeric on my friend before. She’s 93 years’ old and has extremely thin skin. The slightest bump causes her skin to split and bleed. Left to heal on its own, her wounds heal sloooooooowly. Not the case with an application of turmeric paste. Her wounds heal in a fraction of the time they normally would.

What I find interesting about applying turmeric to an open wound is that as it heals you don’t see the red, inflammed color around the edges of the wound. Again, turmeric is *extremely* anti-inflammatory.

So imagine the gentle, soothing, cooling effect the turmeric paste is going to have on Claire Bear’s poor, inflammed, WOUNDED gut.

Here’s a quote from a study published on the National Institute of Health …

“Increased intestinal permeability should be largely improved by dietary addition of compounds, such as glutamine or curcumin, which both have the mechanistic potential to inhibit the inflammation and oxidative stress linked to tight junction opening.”

Claire Bear is getting glutamine from the bone broth that Gisele is making for her. Curcumin is a constituent of turmeric, responsible for turmeric’s bright orange color. Oxidative stress is where there is inflammation and free radical creation in excess of the body’s ability to QUENCH free radicals. And tight junction openings are the closely associated areas of two cells whose membranes join together forming a virtually impermeable barrier to fluid. The tight junction openings are damaged in people (or animals) with leaky gut, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Crohn’s Disease and is responsible for the inflammation and allergic reactions.

So, yes, there’s good, solid SCIENCE behind the loving care that Gisele is providing Claire Bear. Like you, I look forward to hearing positive reports of Claire Bear’s improved health!!!

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