Flash Gordon, Lost and Injured – Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
- On:

On July 26th, Rebecca Harshman contacted me about a beautiful male Border Collie. Rebecca informed me that she was not capable of finding a Border Collie Rescue in the Southeast that had space for this boy. Even though Flash was not being adopted, and his time was coming to an end, the shelter that she volunteers for refused to give up on him. Why? Because he is a wonderful dog.
Flash was found wandering the streets of a rual town, when a good samaritan took him in for a week. After trying everything to find Flash’s original owner, the good samaritan was forced to take Flash to a local HSUS. Once again, no one came forward to claim this boy.
Before Rebecca would arrange the dog’s transport, she called me and said I had to pick out his name. I was clueless. I didn’t want to name him until I had a chance to meet him and evaluate his temperament. I didn’t have that luxury, so I named him Flash!
Once Rebecca and I arranged the details for Flash’s transport, I was informed that the staff at the shelter noticed that Flash was not putting weight on his back legs. They took flash to a vet who felt that Flash had a torn ACL. To be sure, the shelter took Flash to yet another vet for a second opinion. Unfortunately, the diagnosis was concurred. The cost for surgery was estimated at over $1,000, yet this vet offered to do the surgery for half that amount. This vet also offered the neuter and all shots for free.
I was reluctant to take Flash in, certainly I can’t afford these expenses. Rebecca assured me that we would raise the money on Fundable.com. Rebecca’s confidence was quite remarkable, so I said yes. I felt if she was confident, why shouldn’t I be!
I offered to do a youtube video for Flash to help raise awareness and increase our chances to cover the cost of his surgery.
As we were preparing for Flash’s surgery, I received an email from Denise Hoyle asking if I could take in a female puppy that was in a “terrible situation”. Once again, Rebecca, without missing a beat, agreed to put this puppy on the same transport with Flash.
On July 29th, Flash underwent surgery. The prognosis was good, and he could be transported, as scheduled on August 1st.
We arranged to have Flash transported,and the young hitchhiker that was coming with him. We later named the little female pup Shannon.
Flash was very content. I had an extremely large crate ready for him, with a Karunda bed in it for his added comfort, but he slept with me instead!
The next morning, after Flash arrived, I contacted the vet, who operated on Flash, and was informed that I could remove his funny-looking green cast on Wednesday. I was also informed that I could bathe Flash at that point. However, Vet Tech. Lisa Foot warned me not to be alarmed when I remove his cast, for Flash’s leg was in much worse condition than they expected. The vet believed that based on the lack of muscle tone, Flash had not used his leg in quite some time, possibly several months. Lisa explained that he was covered in ticks and along with a very poor diet, his skin and coat were not in good shape. She assured me that within just a few weeks in my home, with proper care, he would transform into the beautiful Border Collie he once was. I agreed.
On Wednesday, August 5th, Jackie Schwing came to help me remove Flash’s cast. I should’ve taken a video of the ordeal because once the cast was removed, Flash proceeded to rip it apart. Every time Jackie took it away from him, and hid it, he managed to find it just to pull it apart. It was as if he hated it and had to destroy it!
Flash’s leg did look pretty bad, but I remain optimistic. He’s a determined dog, and with love, patience, and a routine, he will recover.
Flash was made available for adoption on Thursday, August 6th.
I have done three YouTube videos for Flash so far. The first video sharing his story and his surgery to increase his need for funding. The second video showed his transport and his homecoming here. The third video showing him off for adoption to attract a Forever Home.
On August 7th, I received an email from a potential adoptor. I got my hopes up for Flash, but the adoption has been placed on hold, so as of today, August 8th, I continue to hope that Flash finds a home that meets his needs.
Flash has been adopted by Erica Brilliant, and her boyfriend Ken,who lives close by – so we can still visit! We can’t wait to here updates from them on our love sponge, Flash.
Update: Flash has received a Doggie Dinghie (his own float) to help him enjoy swimming. Doggie Dinghies donated the device to Flash. Paul Pipitone, dog trainer, visited Flash’s new home and quickly taught him to swim with positive reinforcement. Flash is a very lucky boy. He visits Dr. Susan Wayne to check on his surgery, and so far, his progress is awesome!
Great job Erica!

08/23/12: Â It’s been three years! Â WOW! Â Here’s a Flash Gordon Update! Â Hi Gisele!
We adopted Flash three years ago this week and he’s brought our home and lives nothing but joy ever since. He is and always has been incredibly loving, well-behaved, and gives the world’s best hugs. He plays (or attempts to) with our cats and couldn’t be more gentle with our friends children. He’s also Mr. Popularity wherever we go. He always has a smile and a hug for everyone he comes across. We are so lucky to have found him and TDL, who took the time to find him not just any home but the right home. Thanks, as always, for all that you do and endure for the sake of these beautiful creatures. None of it is lost on those of us lucky enough to have brought home a TDL dog.

7 thoughts on “Flash Gordon, Lost and Injured – Adopted”
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Flash left last night to be fostered my Dave Massa, aka, Uncle Dave. Dave volunteered to drive Flash & Shannon's last leg on their transport. Flash sent me an email this morning about his new Foster home. It reads: "I miss you. Last night I was in a different bed and Sheba kept playing and playing and playing. We played kissy face for an hour. I kinda liked it. We finally tried to go to sleep at 1:00 but couldn't get comfortable. I missed laying on top of your soft stomach and between you and Sarah. You are so loving. Uncle Dave's stomach was hard and too big. (don't tell him I said that).
Finally laid down on the floor with Uncle Dave on a blanket and feel asleep around 2:00 or so but I was restless. After everyone woke up around 7:00, I went out front for a walk while the other dogs went in the back yard. I met some neighbors and went pee on anything I could and pooped for the second time here. Lots of good places to poop here.
Then I ate 2 cups of food and took my pill. I also messed up and lifted my leg on this ladies flowers in the house. They were in the house so I thought it would be okay. Oops! Uncle Dave cleaned it up. Now I'm really feeling like falling asleep, (yawn………) so here's Uncle Dave to tell you more. I'm really sleepy."
Erica writes:
I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone involved in Flash's rescue and recovery. I have heard incredible things about Pet Rescue by Judy since I moved here and everything I heard held true. Flash is lucky to have found you and we, in turn, are lucky to have found him. Although it'll take the kitties some time to adjust I just know that Flash will bring all of us so much joy and laughter in the years to come. You should have seen him commandeer Uncle Dave's driver's seat when he left our home- he's a funny pup! I promise to keep all of you updated on his progress. His new daddy Ken is a photographer so expect some great pictures of Flash to come! I think he's going to quickly become daddy's favorite subject =) And my mother just can't wait to start spoiling her Grand-dog!
I feel like a simple "thank you" doesn't quite embody just how much all the work you do is truly appreciated. Although Flash can't say it himself I'm sure he would shower all of you with his special doggy kisses as his own way of saying "thank you". He will be loved and adored for the rest of his days. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
Flash has been with us for two and a half days now and he's been such a good boy! He absolutely adores Ken and wants to be with him at all times. I get plenty of affection while Ken is at work, though. I'll take what I can get!
He's been using his bad leg really well, as long as I keep his walks at a slower pace and has made no mistakes in the house or his crate. We're working on some manners right now and he's picking them up very quickly. With a little training (for both us and him) we'll all be on the same page! And thanks to Gisele we've got a Doggie Dinghy coming for him to get started swimming in the pool! We're so excited and thankful for the wonderful donation. I'll send lots of pics and video when it arrives!
Flash is asleep at my feet as I type this and I can't wait to go cuddle with him (since Ken's at work)!
Flash learned to swim last night with the help of trainer Paul! He didn't love it at first but he went in with a little coaxing from Paul twice on his own! It'll be such great exercise for his leg and hopefully get him healed that much faster so we can get him running and playing at full speed sooner! He's such a smart dog and I'm sure the tricks Paul taught us will make Flash an even better dog for our family. He's already picking them up and it hasn't even been 24 hours!
Erica Writes on 08/24/09:
Hi Gisele,
Flash is doing great! He slept (on the floor, of course) in the car the whole way home and loved exploring the neighborhood more. He ate 2 cups of food last night and we went for a walk a little later. Towards the end of his walk he was only using three legs so we got him home and tried to keep him quiet to rest it but nothing seemed to work. He wandering all around and wouldn't relax. I took him out again in case he hasn't done all his business the first time but he just marked a few things and we came back in. So we put him in his crate a little earlier than we went to bed to force the resting a bit. We also filled his prescription at Target (also $4!) and gave him his half of a pill in a liver treat, hoping that might help. We put his crate at the foot of our bed and he did really well overnight in it. He whined for a few seconds about three times and then was quiet for the rest of the night, with the exception the time he tried to run through the crate at a kitty. This morning he was very excited to see us and gave a big Flash "hug". His walk went well- he wants to smell everything!! He's putting weight back on the leg again, which is a relief for us. He only ate about a cup of food this morning, though. I think he may have gotten distracted while he was eating and went away from it and hasn't regained interest just yet. I keep bringing him back towards the bowl just to remind him, in case he forgot where the food and water is.
He's already making progress, too! Last night we worked a lot on not letting him up on the couch without being given permission and this morning he just laid at our feet while we were on the couch! He's a quick learner! Ken's worried about one of the kitties since she's stayed under the bed for the majority of his time here. I'm sure they'll be fine and she'll adjust in her time. I know you said we should just let them figure it out together and I'm sticking with that- if he gets a swat, he gets a swat. Ken's more nervous about that so I think we're going to give Paul a call and schedule earlier than we planned just so Ken has a peace of mind with how to handle the inter-species situation. And I called the vet to make an appointment- next Monday at 10 and she confirmed for me that it should be a half tablet of the Meloxicam each day. We'll need to get ourselves a pill cutter. Those are tiny pills!
And just like in your house, he's Ken's shadow! But since Ken's at work he's sleeping at my feet while I write this to you. He's been a very sweet boy and well-behaved and we're very happy to have him home. I'll update you tomorrow (or later today, depending on what he's up to!). Congrats on adopting out Lilly so quickly! You've got the touch!
Hi Gisele,
I just wanted to send you a note of support. I've been closely following the story of Goldie since you wrote of her impending arrival on your website and my heart breaks as I read about all of her struggles. She is truly blessed to have found you. The work you do and the passion you have for it is unparalleled. We got to see it firsthand when we picked up Flash. I'll be thinking of Goldie today and sending positive energy her way- and yours as well. It must be incredibly difficult to go through it with her but I guarantee her little heart is full of thanks and love for all you've done for her. I really hope she can pull through.
Thinking of you, Gisele. Keep your head up!
Erica Brilliant October 7 at 2:55pm
As I read your e-mail this morning regarding Goldie I was brought to tears.
Such a sad end to the fight for her life. I'm glad that you can now rest easier knowing that you really did absolutely everything you could have done for her and more. As the others have said, she was so lucky to have been able to experience love and companionship and sunshine and even just a little bit of playtime in her six weeks with you. I know this is devastating for you but you can't give up rescuing. Look at how many homeless and hopeless dogs you've found loving, forever homes? They are sleeping indoors, eating good food every day, and most importantly, getting the love and affection they so deserve. I can't imagine my day without a hug from Flash.
All the neighbors he meets adore him, he's just so well behaved. And you gave him the opportunity to have a second chance at life. Think of Augustus, whose story is a testament to your dedication to these wonderful dogs. He's got a loving, forever home and was on the brink of euthanasia. All because of you. Your efforts are appreciated more than you realize- from the humane societies you save great dogs from to the families who are lucky enough to take them in. And certainly from the dogs themselves who, without you wouldn't be here.
My heart breaks for you and Goldie but hopefully you can find some solace in the incredible rescue work you've done thus far and will continue to do.
I'll be thinking of you.