Minnie Mouse ~ Adopted!
- By: The Dog Liberator
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3/10/16 Update: Â Minnie is a 7 year old Chihuahua mix around 11 lbs. She fully vetted (including spay) and seeking a home. Minnie does have a special need, she is blind. She is also very loving! Â Check out her Photos on Facebook!
If you are interested in being considered as an adopter for Minnie, please  read Our Adoption Process and answer the questions in the post.

History:  When Alyse brought this dog to my attention, she was hoping we would take her, but she was even more hopeful that we could get pledges/donations for her veterinary care.  On the dog’s page via Rescue Me Tampa, she received quite a following! 108 Likes, 371 Shares, and almost 100 comments left by concerned individuals on Facebook.  Yet, after Alyse asked for pledges – her page went silent!
Minnie will need full blood work, and a dental which may include a few extractions.  She will then need all of her vaccinations, her spay, and her microchip.  She is heartworm negative!  We will probably want her to have the spa treatment as well.  A nice bath and some conditioner never hurt anyone!  Please make a donation toward her care.
Here’s what the shelter wrote about her:
**** HAS RESCUE!! This poor little girl is a heart breaker. She is blind and she is so scared. Can you imagine being so tiny and in a strange place and cannot see? She backs up to get away and there is a wall behind her and she has no idea what is going on and is terrified
She is listed as a 5 yo chi mix, she is only 10.5 lbs! The shelter has not named her yet, but we are calling her Desi. Her notes state she has severe cataracts and is not aggressive, just very scared. So sad, please share her to help her make it out!Stray
Weight Estimate: 10.5 lbs
09/09/14:  This little girl is coming to our rescue. She needs the works, not just spay. She has severe dental issues, and as you can see, we are hoping to get her into an eye specialist who can operate. We need your help! Please click http://thedogliberator.com/virtual-foster/ if you can sponsor her rescue.We want to thank our Alyse  and Debbie from Hillsborough County for coordinating her rescue for us, and Theresa Lorenzi for offering to transport her tomorrow.
09/10/14: Â Thank you Theresa! Â Minnie is in the house! Â The staff at Newman Vet/Deltona just love her! Â She is scared to death but she will let you hold her – no problem! Â We have our work cut out for us.
09/11/14:  Last night I was on the phone with Carrie of Newman on and off.  We were coming up with a plan for this shy little girl we call Minnie Mouse.  First, was the eye medication, next we discussed her spay surgery – so bloodwork was in order.  I got comfortable and tried to watch the President’s address to the nation, when Carrie called me again, bloodwork is just fine!  Woo Hoo!  When I looked up at the TV, the Muppets were on… how did that happen?

Note: Â I just want to pause here and make it very clear why I love Newman Vet so much… while we are just starting to relax after dinner, and prepare for bed, the staff at Newman are always taking care of our dogs – without delay. Â No Minnie didn’t have to wait for the morning… for someone to unlock the door, turn the lights on and check our our dogs… Minnie received care as soon as she arrived. Â And it’s not just medical care that they provide, the staff at Newman really pampers our rescued dogs with love and attention!
I spent the rest of the evening texting Alyse about Minnie’s condition and prognosis.
Minnie and Zsa Zsa have taught me a lot, and we have much to share.  We are gathering information to write a post that we hope will help the welfare of all dogs.
In the meantime, we still need donations for Minnie’s care, can you help?
09/12/14 Update: Â Minnie had multiple teeth pulled yesterday, and a dental cleaning. Â The Vet tells me that many of her teeth were absolutely rotten. Â They couldn’t believe it. Â She is going to feel so much better now. Â She was also spayed. Â Out vet estimates she is around 8 years of age.

09/14/14 Update: Â If you have kids, you know the book series “If You Take Your Moose to the Movies“. Â Well, I believe if you leave a cute dog at the vet long enough, someone there will fall in love and adopt it! Â That’s what happened to Minnie Mouse! Â Everyone at Newman Vet just fell in love with this sweet little thing, and Shannon asked us this morning if she can bring her home. Â I Cried!!! Â Not just any Shannon, but my Shannon! Â We are so blessed to have so many wonderful and dedicated volunteers, and so blessed to have the best adopters – EVER!
09/25/14 Update:While Minnie Mouse has proven to be a wonderful little girl, Shannon had some bad news today. Shannon’s husband is very allergic to her, and that’s something that I totally understand. I am personally allergic to the smoothies, the short-haired dogs. Shannon thought since they have other breeds, the Chihuahua would be a no brainer, but the breed does have different hair than let’s say, the Maltese, etc. So Shannon is having to give up Minnie Mouse, and she is heart-broken. But the good news is we have learned a lot about Minnie, she is very affectionate, great with cats (they love her) and with kids. As much as we wish Shannon could keep her, we know we’ll find her a wonderful home soon!
09/28/14 Update: Â After consulting with her family, Shannon is going to try some natural products and a few ideas to help her husband’s allergies with Minnie. Â I bought Minnie a super cute sweater today, which I know will keep the dander down to a mild roar. Â That along with baby wipes might help! Â We’ll have updates soon!