Death Row Dog Speaks

You know the expression, “what you don’t know can’t hurt you?” It’s not true! Every day I post dog food recalls so that you can be aware of the dangerous lurking in your dog’s food bowl!
Soon, I’m also going to tell you where the money goes. Here is a video about Shenandoah, a little border collie we rescued in 2011. She was heartworm positive, adopted, used the alternative method of treatment, and is negative today.
Ever wondered why I take the heartworm positive dogs? It’s not like I seek them out! I know that many shelters have a standard rule; do not adopt out heartworm positive dogs. They must go to a rescue, or they are put down. Even if the shelter has dozens of empty crates available, even if the dog is young, even if the dog is a purebred, even if the dog has an awesome temperament, heartworm positive dogs are doomed.
If you research all of my heartworm positive dogs, you’ll see that many of them were rescued by me because I knew they had no way out. There was no chance in hell they would be allowed to live because of a simple and easy-to-cure heartworm.
Shenandoah is one of those dogs.
Click here to see Shenandoah’s Original Post