Loyalty Shopping!

Amazon Smile
Help our Veterinary Care Fund when you shop using Amazon Smile! Â Amazon Smile donates 2% of your purchases to our Veterinary Care Fund!
Amazon Wishlist
Our Amazon Wishlist contains items which we need and would be happy to have. It covers everything from basics like dewormer all the way to our dogs’ dream bed and ink for us to print out adoption applications.
We signed up with Ebay’s Giving works! This week, we received a $200 donation from Ebay’s Giving Works. Selling on Ebay? Make our Rescue your Favorite Non-Profit and show your buyers that you will donate a portion of your selling price to The Dog Liberator!  Sign up today, and share this with your Ebay Friends!
Yankee Candles
Yankee Candles will donate 40% or your purchases to our Veterinary Care Fund! Â Just Enter our Group ID 990055884. Â It doesn’t get any easier than this!
Not Setup to Donate Online?
Don’t feel comfortable with online payments?
You can send your contribution directly to our Primary Vet:
Payable to: Â Newman Veterinary Centers, Deltona
Attention: Â The Dog Liberator #7656
1200 Deltona Blvd. Suite 10 Deltona, Florida 32725
E-mail:Â deltonamanager@newmanvets.com
Telephone:Â 386-860-5335 Fax:Â 386-860-5322
Email us with your ideas at thedogliberator@gmail.com and please Subscribe to our newsletter
2 thoughts on “Loyalty Shopping!”
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Please let me know if Chaz is still available for adoption, and also where you are located. We are located in North Port. Thank you
Was the picture of Tiny Dancer taken at the Gwinnett County Animal Shelter??? I volunteer there and the cage in the photo looks just like the ones at the Gwinnett shelter! 🙂