Partly Cloudy the Merle Girl ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Partly Cloudy is a lovely merle puppy born around Easter. She was one of a litter of 6 puppies at Gordon County Animal Shelter in Georgia. Because we had already agreed to take several other dogs, we simply had no room. Sherrie, the wonderful volunteer rescue liaison at the shelter said, “Holly, I know you don’t like to break up litters, but even if you can only take one, please do. Sometimes it helps get the rest adopted ~ there are fewer to pick from so people find it easier to decide.” So I agreed to take the one little girl. When Sherrie went to pick her up on Friday to take to the vet, Vicki, our short-term foster, asked her to put the rest of the litter on hold to give her time to find a rescue. Sherrie answered sadly, “They are being euthanized right now.” Only Partly Cloudy made it out….

Having seen her and her littermates, I suspect that Partly Cloudy is an Australian Shepherd, perhaps with some Catahoula in her. She is really quite lovely. Not only are her markings quite unique, her personality is endearing. She has a gentle way about her, playful but not overwhelming. Now, this might be due to her very young age, or it could be her underlying spirit. You can enjoy many pictures of her in her photo album.
This little one has had a hard start in life. I am going to make sure that her future is bright and sunny!
If you think that you might be interested in giving her that loving home, please first review our Dog Tips page, then read our adoption process and e-mail
June 14th Update:
Partly Cloudy is doing great. She was so little when she came and had been through so much, she had a tough time. But now she thriving! She is very affectionate and loves to be held. She is forever jumping in the chair to sit with me or running up to show me her marrow bone or ball. Just simply wonderful!
June 17th:
Ralph is my Basset/Lab mix (he looks like a lab until he stands up and nothing happens), and he simply adores puppies. Always has. When we go to the dog park, Gus, my Basset/Bulldog, runs and plays with the big dogs, but not Ralph. He seeks out the smallest dog and licks it to pieces. He should have been a girl! So here it is,the day before Fathers’ Day, and Ralph is in his element, playing with puppies. You’ll enjoy this!
June 26th:
I’m puppysitting GinGin and Caboose, two puppies that were born in my closet last June. I just love when I get to see my babies after they grow up. The haven’t been around whole lot of other dogs, so this has been a bit of a stretch for them. Partly Cloudy is forever bringing them her marrow bones (her most favorite thing in the world), but they look at her like she’s crazy! lol

June 30th:
Today was the day that Partly Cloudy found her forever home. Terry’s 14-year-old Spitz passed away a few months ago. Time has passed, she had moved to a new home, and it felt empty without a dog. Enter Partly Cloudy. The perfect choice! It made me so happy to see them together. Just a couple of weeks ago Partly Cloudy was very sick. Today she is healthy and loved, beginning her new adventure with Terry. Yes, I’m happy!
10/6/11: We learned today that Partly Cloudy was killed. Our hearts go out to Terry.