Mr. Breeze-Good things come to those who wait
- By: The Dog Liberator
- On:

Have you ever been in public, and seen someone that you know you know? You think hard to try to remember their name, but can’t. You literally hurt your brain trying to remember how you know them, where you met them, and it’s driving you insane, because you know you know them? That’s what I think my rescued dogs do when they see me after a while, especially during our reunions.
During our last reunion, I could tell that Shy Sharon did not really remember us. She didn’t try to bite me when I tugged on her collar, trying to get her near me so I could pet her, but she wasn’t “sure”. Bart did the same thing. While he’s a friendly fellow to begin with, he too wasn’t sure. Maybe they have a familiar memory, but they don’t truly remember.

It’s not like in the movies where a dog comes running toward your voice and leaps into your arms, and totally recognizes you. Even in 2010 when I saw Tim Tebow again, he clearly didn’t remember me! Ironically, in 2010, Flash Gordon did!
Maybe it has a lot to do with the dog’s age, how long they have not seen you, and how long they were with you. Not that many dogs remember me in an instant, except for Mr. Breeze! I don’t think it matters how many years go by, Mr. Breeze will always remember me, and after you read what he went through, you’ll understand why!

The last time I edited his page, was in 2011. Â I called him the big goof! Mr. Breeze is very animated, he talks with his feet, his mouth, and his eyes. He’s very much a clown!
His photo album can be viewed on Facebook. Â What follows is his the story of his most Excellent Adventure!

Breeze came to us from Becky Harshman through Chilton County Humane Society on January 1st of 2010. He was just a pup! Back then his name was Canyon. He was adopted on January 17th, 2010.
When his owners suffered a job loss, they lost their home, and returned Breeze to me on October 15th, 2010. Even though they had no choice but to surrender him, they did so with a heavy heart.
Breeze was returned to The Dog Liberator, and was transported to Clearwater where he was fostered by Lynn Deal and Mark Whalen. Â It didn’t take long for Breeze to find his new second home. Â On November 8th, he was adopted again, by a family near me here in Deltona. Â On November 9th, I received an email from Matthew George, he wanted to adopt Breeze, but it was too late.

Breeze lived with his second family for a few months, when they noticed that their female dog was antagonizing Breeze. Â Because Breeze wouldn’t stand up for himself, and submit, he became very shy and withdrawn. Â This was not good. Â The family could not afford a behaviorist for their dog, and they were up in arms with what to do.
After numerous phone conversations, and emails with Breeze’s second family. Inundated with medical issues within the family, they asked me what I thought was best for Breeze. Sometimes loving a dog, giving him food and water just isn’t enough, especially for the herding breed. Intelligent dogs with high energy need physical exercise, training, and a job to keep them occupied. The family simply can not meet his needs at this time, no fault of theirs. I suggested they surrender Breeze to me;Â I wanted Breeze back. Â On February 8th, 2011, 12 months after he came to my rescue, Breeze came back to me.
Breeze stayed with me for a few weeks, until I arranged transport to Clearwater, where he was fostered by Mark Whalen. Â He was very comfortable here with me. Â He remembered where everything was, he remembered the pack, and even though he was double in size, he was the same!
After Breeze was transported to Mark to foster, his true color was seen. He was happy go lucky, the main instigator for play, adored Mark’s pit and of course, Kudos. Kudos and Breeze quickly became best buddies. Â Breeze was no longer submissive and withdrawn. Â He was the big goof again.
I was in the process of posting Breeze on all of the adoption sites, and revamping his video for the third time when IÂ received an email from Matthew George expressing an interest in adopting Indian. Being that four months had passed, I did not recognize the name and assumed that Mr. George was new to me! I was wrong. Â
While informing Mark Whalen that Breeze was coming back, Mark was elated! Our conversation quickly focused on Indian. I explained to Mark that Matthew George was interested in meeting Indian this weekend. Mark asked me for some background information about Mr. George. I did a search for his email address and located the very first email that I had received and it wasn’t dated February 2011, it was dated November 9th, 2010. I opened the email and read it to Mark allowed:
Dog Liberator,
Please let us know if Breeze is still available, we are looking for a Border Collie that is around a year old. We currently have a Shetland / Border Collie mix that could use a friend and having years of experience with a herding dog, we feel that we will be an excellent home for a dog like Breeze. We live in Tampa and would be willing to come see Breeze at your convenience. Â ~Matthew George
Needless to say, I got chills! Mark suggested I hang up and make a call to Mr. George notifying him of Breeze, and I did.
Now, I know strange things happen in my rescue all of the time; things that we just can’t explain. I know how hard we all work to save, transport, rehabilitate and rehome these dogs, but sometimes things happen, like this, that leaves us speechless.

I called Matthew George, and asked him if he could remember when and why he first contacted my rescue back in November 2010. His immediate answer was “because my wife fell in love with Breeze, and we wanted to adopt him.”
“What if I told you that Breeze was back?” Â I asked him. Â Matthew did not respond. Â I knew that he couldn’t believe it.
I said it again, “Breeze is back, would you like to meet him?” Â Matthew couldn’t wait to tell his wife!
Stephanie and Matthew George drove to Clearwater, and they met both Indian and Breeze. Â I wondered if Breeze was meant to be with them in the first place. Â I wondered if that first email from Matthew was supposed to come to me earlier, or if his second adoption was supposed to be delayed for some reason.
Matthew did adopt Breeze on February 16th, and named him Coltrane.  Indian was later adopted on February 20th, his  adopters were originally interested in Breeze!
So here we have one very lucky pup who was trapped in a shelter in Alabama, and transported to me in Deltona, Florida. Â He was adopted two weeks later, and returned to me 10 months later, and transported to Clearwater to be fostered. Â While in Clearwater, he’s adopted again, only to be driven back to Deltona two months later, where he lived with his second family for several months. Â Then, he is returned to me again, and fostered in Clearwater again. Â Then, Matthew George adopts Breeze, and Breeze is back in Orlando. Â But what’s up with Breeze now?

In 2011, Matthew updates that Breeze has his own new baby girl! Â I had the pleasure of seeing him and his new baby at our reunion in 2011, and he was a happy go lucky big goof!

He followed me around most of the day, sitting at my feet, ready to do whatever I said. Â “No Breeze, you’re not coming back to me. Â You have your own family now!” Â I’d tell him.
Today, Breeze is in Colorado with his forever family, and he’s loving it! Â Thanks Matthew!

Second Adoption Video,  including Trainer and Behaviorist, Paul Pipitone:
One thought on “Mr. Breeze-Good things come to those who wait”
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We've had Coltrane (Breeze) for 5 days and he has been better than expected! We assumed that he would be good, coming from this rescue but, he has been great. This is a brilliant boy who wants to learn and seems almost……. appreciative. TDL has done a wonderful job with Mr. Breeze! You can see the love and time invested by this rescue. He may be a rescue; no papers, little history, ect .ect. but, with dogs from a rescue of this caliber, who cares! Great dog, great rescue = great choice.