Google the Border Collie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Google came to us with her sister Goggle from Hall County Animal Control in Georgia. Vicki e-mailed me Saturday morning and asked if I could possibly take two Border Collie puppies. They were in a foster home with several other dogs and the foster was feeling overwhelmed. The attached photos were poor at best. When I called her, she assured me they were beautiful and very engaging pups. She said they were going to an adoption event that day. I told her that if they didn’t get adopted, I’d take them. At 4:10pm she called to say they were hadn’t been adopted but that we only had until 5pm to contact the shelter to arrange rescue otherwise we’d have to wait until Tuesday due to the long weekend. Of course, I hadn’t told Gisele any of this, so I had to do some real scrambling. We made under the deadline and the puppies were safe.

Getting them down here proved simple since Courtney had previously told me she’d drive through on her way home and pick up any dogs we needed transported. Let me pause her for a moment to point out that Courtney was driving from Charleston to Winter Park (near Orlando) and that there is no way Atlanta is on the way, but she did it! Vicki and Courtney met up in a rain storm the evening of July 4th, then she drove through the night, arriving at my door at 3:45am. God love that girl!
Google and Goggles have proved to be all that I could hope. They are simply lovely. I estimate that they were born in early March and are currently just under 20 pounds. Google has black and white markings with just enough tan to make her interesting. Self-confident and athletic, these girls can run and play. Google always knows where the camera is and poses like a model. Very affectionate, she claimed my daughter’s lap for her own. And ball? If you throw one, get out of the way, because these girls are coming through!!!

You can see lots of photos Google in her photo album. I am fostering her in Winter Park.
If you think that you might be the perfect home for Google, please first read our tips on Starting Off Your Dog Right. Then review our Adoption Process and e-mail me at   Thanks!

July 7th Update:
Google has found her forever home! Mary began corresponding with us several months ago after her beloved Amber had passed away. Not only were she and Stu missing their girl, so was Kacey, their other Border Collie. Monday evening I posted the photos of our July 4th transport, and within 10 minutes I received and e-mail from Mary: “Mine! Mine! Mine!” She’d seen Google and fallen in love. lol
When they arrived, they already had Google’s new dog tag: Ashley Claire. Mary and Stu were delighted by our little girl. Kacey took it all in stride. I, of course, couldn’t be happier. And Ashley? She never even gave me a backward glance!  We really have the best adopters!!!