Grace Kelly, the Sheltie Beauty ~ Adopted

Grace Kelly comes to us from Deb Gaylord, who has fostered many wonderful Alabama dogs for us, including Baby Ga Ga, Rusty, Casey Rose, Fonzie, and many others. She arrived yesterday, toward the end of our reunion, and when I took a peek inside the van, I was stunned at how tiny is she. She’s a little Sheltie girl! She is about one year old, and is being fostered by Mel & Kevin Scott and their pack. Like Hollie Collie, she was nervous at first, but calmed down very quickly. I can’t imagine what she must think, being in a car all day, and to be dropped off in the middle of a dog rescue’s reunion! We’re looking forward to updates from Kevin, but so far, she’s doing great!
More of her photos can be viewed on Facebook. If you are interested in meeting Grace Kelly, email me  Special thanks to Becky and Rita for their help in the transport!
Foster Update: Â Kevin wants to continue to foster Grace for at least another week. Â She is shy and fearful, and the exposure to new environments and new people is just what she needs. Â Therefore, she will not be available until November 19th.
Nov. 19, 2011: ADOPTED!!! Grace Kelly has been adopted by Chris Ray of Jacksonville! Chris has been sooo excited to meet and adopt Gracie since we first talked 11 days ago. When they walked through the door, it was love at first sight! Of course, that was after we got Gracie to stop staring up in the trees long enough to come and meet her new Mommy! I can’t wait to hear all about Gracie’s new life in Jacksonville! – Kevin