- By: Gisele
- On:

Highlander is the largest of the Toyota Puppies. Â She has been dewormed, and has one set of shots. Â She will be spayed and microchipped this week. Â Highlander is the pack leader of the litter. Â She is very playful, and will make an amazing pet to an active family. Â She is great with other dogs, and has an even temperament. Â She is the most outgoing of the litter, and enjoys being photographed! Â Her photo album can be viewed on Facebook.
If you are interested in meeting her, please email TheDogLiberator@gmail.com
and share such information as:
where you live,
your household composition,
your yard/fence/exercise plan,
pets you have and/or had,
your normal work schedule,
how much time the dog will be alone,
what you are looking for in a dog,
do you have a pool
what contingency plans do you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog,
if you rent, do you have landlord approval,
and are you prepared to bring your new dog home if you are approved during your meet?
have you or anyone in your family ever been bitten or traumatized by a dog in the past?
also, provide us with your phone number, home address, including county and zip code
and then we’ll go from there! The more you share the better!
Click here for the Toyota Puppy History page.
Highlander was adopted by Mick and Connie Aldridge of Mount Dora! Â Mick couldn’t take his eyes off of her! Â Highlander adores him!

One thought on “Highlander~Adopted”
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Hylander is going to do great in her new home! She is going to give her new Daddy a run for his money while she is at it.
I am sooo glad she is in such a great home now and that she is going to be Loved for all years to come! Maybe a reward for being such a strong girl and keeping her pack in order and together until they met The Dog Liberator!
Way to go girl, you deserve it!