Katie’s Puppies, Ready to start their adventure!

Many of you have been following the story of Katie and her puppies for months now. For those who haven’t, allow me a brief summary:
Our last rescue of the year was a group of Border Collies who had been dumped at a shelter in Georgia, several adults and a litter. Katie, a three-year-old, arrived ill so we did not have her spayed right away. By the time she was well again, it was apparent that she was pregnant. In stepped the wonderful Lynne, who offered to foster, whelp and care for Katie and, eventually, her puppies. At the end of January, the puppies were born, 9 lovely black and white wigglers. Sadly, one failed to thrive due to a cleft palate ~ heartbreaking. The remaining 8 grew into beautiful examples of all the Border Collie breed should be! They are truly lovely, 5 boys, 3 girls, all full of vim and vinegar!!! They will be ready to go to their forever homes Easter weekend. Today we will begin to take applications, and then after they are screened, Lynne will set up appointments. We will not be taking applications for specific puppies as we believe that, although you may fall in love with a photo and a description, the only sure-fire way of adopting the right puppy is to show up with an open heart, sit down on the floor with all of them and see who adopts you! We have lots of photos of them in their photo album.
The adoption fee for the puppies is $500. They are being fostered in Clearwater. We do not have an adoption application but instead rely upon an interview process. If you are interested in adopting one of these puppies, please e-mail me at holly.thedogliberator@gmail.com, sharing about yourself. At an absolute minimum, please include the following:
- where you live,
- household composition,
- pets you have and/or had,
- yard set up and exercise plan,
- work schedule and amount of time the puppy will be alone,
- if you rent do you have landlord approval,
- what you are looking for in a dog,
- what contingency plans you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog.
The more information the better. And there are no “right” answers to these questions. Honest! They just give a place to start in our dialogue. Please include a phone number at which you can easily be reached.
Given that Lynne is the owner of the Corner Bar and Grill in Largo, we thought it amusing to name the puppies after drinks. I asked Lynne to share with you just a bit about each of the puppies:
Bacardi is the shyest of the bunch, he hears a loud noise and runs for the front door!
He also is the sweetest pup. He likes cool dirt and digging holes, marrow bones, and kisses.
Brandy is the tallest, and she has the smoothest coat, but she still has those cute border collie tufts of fur around her ears.
She is the best licker kisser! She likes to run up to you and stand up and her hind feet and ask to give kisses.
She likes to sleep in front of the fan. She likes JUMBONES….Maureen brought her some and now I get them for her all the time, mini size! She is gentle when she does those puppy bites, is curious, smart and good natured.
Emma is the smallest of the litter. She is very personable, can hang with the boys, and can really growl if they take her treat.
She likes to go off alone and sleep on the bathroom floor cuz it’s cold.
She will give kisses but likes to bite your shoelaces even more. She has the typical Border collie look, the white mane, white tipped tail, white feet. She will be breathtaking as an adult.
J.D. (jack daniels) is the most affectionate people pup. He and Moose every night around 5 am.. sneak up the ends tables next to the bed (meant for the cat to crawl up) and sneak into bed with me Katie, Jetta and Chelsea. Chelsea hates it and always barks in protest and wakes me up to 2 fuzzy faced puppies giving me kisses, then they snuggle up and fall back asleep. …These are the cuddler dogs. J.D. sleeps just fine on his own and will go into the bathroom on the cool floor and fall asleep, but apparently around 5 am he needs his mommy.
MOOSE is the biggest pup at nine weeks weighed in at twelve pounds He is the frat boy of the bunch, the one that always wants to play and always jumping on the next guy to get him to play.
He is also the bully when it comes to treats…he takes them away from the other pups and he KEEPS them. He is very affectionate one on one, likes attention, and has the biggest FEET! He has a face on his back and two dots on his head, he is the easiest to pick in a crowd. He play bites gentle and when you pick him up in your lap and kiss him he will bump noses with you. He is not gentle with the other pups.
Shandy is good boy. He is not a crazy kid, he comes when you call him, loves treats and sits for them. He is brave and calm and curious.
Whisky is a tough guy, always first into the fracas, never backs down.
He loves to watch my friend Teddy (home repair guy) work. He gets excited when he comes over and will follow him and sit and watch him work. He stands up on the fence when he gets out of his truck , all wiggly and happy. He’d be the perfect dog to take to work with you. He likes power tools and isnt afraid of them, very funny to watch him watching…
He will grow up to be the most beautiful border collie
Emma has found her home with Joan and Craig. In her initial e-mail to me, Joan wrote in part, “They’re finally ready!I came across your website in February while searching for an Australian Shepherd or Border Collie to adopt. I’ve been watching the blog regularly and really appreciate all the pictures and video. Last December we had to put down our Australian Shepherd named Sheila. She was a beautiful blue merle with one brown and one blue eye. She was almost 17 years old and we raised her from a puppy.”
Lynne was very happy with how this first adoption unfolded: “Joan and Craig are awesome, she was very shy at first with them but the 2 other girls were jumping around and biting and the boys were all over them, emma just laid back watching them…both of them very carefully , then finally they got a lick and a hug and i recommended they take her as she is more demure. wont be alpha over their dog and wont be as rambuctious, after all she is a lady of breeding.” Emma will be making her home in Eagle Harbor, Fl, with Joan, Craig and Dundee, a 10-year-old mini-Aussie. Happy!
Whisky: Holly had a long talk with Frank (shown right) and they decided he’d be a wonderful doggie daddy, Here he is Adopting Whisky, my power tool loving pup! Whisky is a guys dog and greeted Frank with lots of kisses! Frank said he’d leave us an uodate and lots of pics soon!
Asti: Margaret flew in all the way from new york today to adopt ASTI. Here is asti and Shandy helping her put the crate together, all the pictures of asti HUGGING her came out blurry, but ASTI loved her,had her paws wrapped around her neck and then all the puppies wanted to get in the crate!! we had to take them out to put Asti in..hmm that didnt happen to me with all the vet trips…Margaret was the puppy pied piper THEY ALL WANTED TO GO TO YORK!!!! lol She was wonderful and loving and pretty all all the puppies adored her!! ~Lynne
Bacardi is on adoption hold
J.D. is on medical hold
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