Little Jack Black~Adopted!
- By: Vicki
- On:

Little Jack Black’s picture came up on my facebook. Eyes looking out so hopeful that someone would take time to play with him and love him. Â Jack had wandered up to someone’s doorstep crying and hungry. They called the shelter. Â The officer who went on the call fell in love with him. She took it upon herself to post his picture on Facebook to try and save him. They don’t get many adoptions at this shelter. Â When I called about him they were so helpful and so happy that he had a chance. Â Â So I rescued the little guy from a high kill North Georgia shelter and am so glad I did!
Little Jack is great at entertaining himself.  He will pull away from the others wrestling and playing and go find a marrow bone to chew on. Sometimes he will entertain himself for 30 minutes just playing with an empty water bottle.  I found out this morning that he loves the Frisbee!  When I throw it he will run after it with the big dogs and grab it every chance he gets. Little Jack is a cuddler for sure, taking a break from playing to come get a hug.  The little guy had not  had toys before, it’s obvious, he takes such joy in  playing with them all, going from one to the other.  That makes me smile…
Jack is always right there with me and comes when called. Â He doesn’t rarely gets far enough away for me to use it! The first day he was timid about the big dogs. Well, that changed today! He gave as good as he got! The herd dog games seem to come natural to him, particularly the “stare down” ! Â Little Jack is not hyper , just a normal happy pup! Â He likes having something to do, a “job” already. Â He will bring so much love into his forever family’s home, I just love him!

You can see more photos of Little Jack Black in his own photo album on facebook.
This dog is being fostered byVicki Truelove , in Clermont, Georgia.  If you are interested in adopting Little Jack Black, please first read our dog tips, then review our adoption process and email me at
View Jack’s video to see what a wonderful pup he is!

Update Aug. 30:
Little Jack Black is doing great! He has learned to sit, lay down, and wait! Jack wants PawPaw to know that he is smart too! Yesterday we took out some agility equipment to see what he would do! I thought he was awesome for a puppy, he focused on the task and wasn’t distracted. Notice in the video, he didn’t avoid or go around the jump , he went straight over every time! Â Watch “Little Jack’s Busy Day”
Update Sept. 2:
Little J.B. just keeps on grabbing at my heart! He is so good and content at entertaining himself when he wants to. The other dogs can be racing around him and there he lay chewing on his bone or toy as if there is no one else around. Â If they get too rambunctious he’ll get under a chair or me for a little more protection.
Every now and then he comes over and stretches up those arms,
gazing at you with those sweet little eyes and says “Hold me please!” Â Well, you know what happens next….I pick him up and rub
his belly and hug him with all I’ve got and he gives it right back to me. Â I don’t know who enjoys it more me or him…
Jack is quite a student of everything. Â Always studying about what’s going on as if he were training for the position. Â Why he learned “Look”, “Sit”, “Down”,”O.K.”, and “Wait” in no time flat! Â He will even go to the door and sit and wait for you to tell him “O.K.”!

All that agility stuff I was teaching him, now he just goes and does it all on his own. Â It takes some dogs a long time and a lot of coaxing to get them through those long competition tunnels. Â Jack acts like he’s been doing it all his life. Which I guess really isn’t that long, but you know what I mean…
You’ll see in the video how good he is with the horses too. Â Little Jack looks at everything as a learning opportunity and doesn’t get ruffled by much. Â Just watching him run through the grass or chew his bone brings a smile to my whole face!
If you want to bring some joy into your life come meet this little fella! He will steal your heart and won’t give it back!-Vicki–
A day at the farm with Jack Black
Update Sept.7:
Little Jack Black saw rain for the first time this week. He wasn’t impressed. Why can’t i get wet and dirty? So i finally gave in…. I always tell people that if you don’t give a border collie a job, he will make one, and you probably won’t like it!
He sits so nicely at my feet and looks up at me with those eyes that look right through you and says “I’m bored, what can we do?” So here’s a little video showing you how I kept him busy and using his brain yesterday!
what can Jack do on a rainy day?
Update Sept. 10~Little Jack Black~Adopted!
Little Jack Black went home today! He has been adopted by the wonderful Michele and I couldn’t be happier for them both! Michele had lost her border collie “little Jake” this past year and felt that when the time was right, the right dog would come along. Did a google search, Dogliberator came up, clicked on it and there was Little Jack. She followed his videos and knew he was her dog! She has horses and a farm, an aussie named Daisy, (so do I!)In fact, Michele’s home and mine seemed eerily alike. She works from home, and her husband left 3 weeks ago for Afghanistan. He had previously spent 18 months in Iraq. I am so thankful for Michele and her husbands sacrifice for us in this country. And so very proud for LIttle Jack Black to become a part of their family! The amazing Anita and her daughter drove Jack to Michele in Ocala from Gainesville,Ga. She said Jack went running to her and covered her with kisses!
Ocala, Welcome your newest Dogliberator! -Vicki

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Oh my god he is so cute and perfect. I look at your site every week or so to daydream about having a border collie of my own one day! Gosh coming to this site is torture because I want a puppy so bad but I’m renting a house and no fenced yard means I have to wait. When I am finished with college in about a year (fingers crossed) I will definitely be adopting from ya’ll! You guys are doing a great job!! Hope Lil Jack Black finds a nice family!!