
McSteamy is a 1 1/2 year old Merle Collie from Lake City Animal Services. Â Holli Miller saw McSteamy and his brother being owner-surrendered and she called me immediately. Â Their temperament dictates that they have been farm collies all of their lives. Â Believe it or not, they are being introduced to life indoors.
McSteamy and his gorgeous brother, McDreamy are both doing very well in crates, without any accidents. Â I have appointments for them to be groomed, fully vetted and neutered. Â They are both heartworm negative. Like other TDL dogs, their true colors will shine through every day, and we will learn more about them, but so far they are very friendly with children, not afraid of strangers and appear to be the type of dog that will soak up whatever you give them, i.e., attention and basic training.

They are very intelligent, and there’s no reason why these dogs can’t join the rankings of our fantastic collies!
Click here to view their first photo album together.
Click here to see McSteamy’s individual photo album!
If you are interested in meeting her, please email and share such information as:
where you live,
your household composition,
your yard/fence/exercise plan,

pets you have and/or had,
your normal work schedule,
how much time the dog will be alone,
what you are looking for in a dog,
do you have a pool

what contingency plans do you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog,
if you rent, do you have landlord approval,
and are you prepared to bring your new dog home if you are approved during your meet?
have you or anyone in your family ever been bitten or traumatized by a dog in the past?
also, provide us with your phone number, home address, including county and zip code
and then we’ll go from there! The more you share the better!

10/12/12 Update: Â McSteamy, now Steamy was adopted by Maiya Korn! Â Maiya and her Dad have had Collies, and their senior Collie recently passed away. Â It was very sad, and I know their pain and sorrow too well.

McSteamy was very calm, and as usual, he knew she was there for him. Â “You are my Person!” Â The photos can not lie!
Here’s is Brittney’s Meyer’s beautiful photo to art transformation of this adoption!