
06/16/12: Â What a change! Â This little girl is so proud of herself, she is bouncy and full of playfulness. Â She adores kids and loves to play with other dogs… gone is the shy girl that had no self-confidence… those days are over!
06/07/12: Â Little Pumpernickel was a hit at Val-u-Vet. Her quiet and sweet temperament won everyone over! She is being treated for parasites, and is happy to be back in foster care! Surprises? Yes, she is not a baby puppy like we thought, her adult teeth are in, which puts her at about six months, which means she will be a tiny little Border Collie! I don’t anticipate her to exceed 25 pounds. Little Pumpernickel!
06/05/12: Â Pumpernickel is at the vet for her shots and spay. Â Dr. Oliver examined her from head to toe yesterday and he said, “I really really like this little dog!” Â three times! Â I don’t know what it was about pumpernickel that made him smile, maybe it’s her calm and willing to please attitude? Â Anyway, she is not a baby puppy, she has her adult teeth already, and he estimates that she is six months old.
06/04/12 Update: Â This little girl has already come out of her shell, she is very interested in meeting new people, she is friendly, and has already figured out that she will not be harmed here! Â She enjoys playing with the pack, and is fitting in nicely!
History: Â Just a little girl that hitched a ride with Jubilee. She is the female version of Sgt. Pepper. Looks like she’s had a rough start in this world. Not enough nutrition and no flea preventative took a toll on her coat. She’s a bit on the thin side, but that’s a quick fix! She does not have much self-esteem, she was afraid of the other dogs at first. She will not walk on leash, afraid of what’s coming to her, I guess.
She has been treated with a heavy hand, but her spirit is not broken. She’s already given me a few wags of her tail, and a sweet look right into my eyes. She’s an easy fix! Here’s photos of her meeting the pack, and how they attempt to teach her how to play, it’s quite remarkable how fast other dogs can teach a new dog things that a human being really can’t!
Her photo album can be viewed on Facebook. Â Special thanks to Erica and Mary Brilliant for volunteering to do the last leg of her transport!
If you are interested in adopting, please tell us a bit about yourself. We do not have an adoption application but instead rely upon on interview process. At a minimum, please share such things as

where you live,
household composition,
yard setup and/or exercise plan,
pets you have and/or had,
work schedule and amount of time the dog would be alone,
what contingency plans you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog,
if you rent do you have landlord approval,
what you are looking for in a dog, etc.
if you are approved to adopt during your meet, are you prepared to bring your new dog home with you?
The more information the merrier. And there are no “right” answers. Honest! Please include a phone number at which you may be reached. Email this information to thedogliberator@gmail.com
Thank you again!
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