Sassafras, the 5 month old Deaf OES-Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Sassafras is a lovely 5-month-old puppy. She is intelligent, playful, loving and deaf. It is that last one that caused the reputable breeder to contact us to rehome her. She knows the quality of our adopters and knows that Sassafras will find a wonderful home.
Sassy is blue-eyed, white-headed, with one white ear and one grey one. Just love her! She does great with dogs of all ages and sizes. At 5 months, she is already 27 pounds, so she is going to be nice size dog. What’s there to say about a gorgeous 5 month old puppy, except she needs affection, training, and lots of room to play!
Her photo album on Facebook has lots of photos of her!
Sassafras is transported to Connecticut with Glenn and Holly’s help, and she arrives to her new home!
She is a lovey little munchkin and quite smart (oh dear). Her worst habits so far are jumping up on the counter (though we are making progress, and Zen is not a good role model since he is a chronic counter surfer), and picking up/eating acorns and stones. A few housebreaking accidents, mostly my fault because I don’t have her schedule figured out. I have a new, metal baby/puppy gate which is in a doorway and she does NOT like being confined away from the action so she barks non-stop. In the crate is even worse.
She is crazy about seeing her own reflection in the sliding doors and the basement ground level windows. Today, we had some snowflakes and she was fascinated. I always love the dogs’ reaction to the first real snowfall and I try to get a video of their antics
We will work on holiday photos once I can finish decorating without quite as much sheepie “assistance”. My small gated bathroom now contains a very large crate, and when I need to use the commode, I have to practice being a contortionist because I also have TWO assistants supervising my activity. The big boy just comes in and lies down, taking up most of the space, and Sassy like to get very close to make sure all activities are closely monitored – this requires holding her at arm’s length while using a free hand to complete toilet activities.
We are off to do something that requires a lot of dog energy, not sure what, but I can tell it’s time.
Not a super great Holiday photo, but at least it’s a start. I will do better. Am trying to get a video of the two furkids playing, it is a riot. Sassy follows Zen around as if he were her hero. She starts wrestling matches and is fearless in pursuing him.
The next day, Sassy was proudly walking around the house with a silk poinsettia plant in her mouth, shaking it.
This morning, Zen was sleeping on his back with his legs splayed open and right next to him was Sassy on her back just like Zen. Both of them were asleep but unfortunately woke up when I was sneaking by to get my camera.
We got a very light dusting of snow and Sassy was so happy to go out and eat it. I can’t wait until we have a real snow accumulation, the dogs go nuts. I have videos of my dogs in the first snow of every year.
Zen and Sassy and I go for a car ride every day. Sassy is restrained in the back seat and Zen just sits next to her. If I don’t restrain Sassy, she jumps into the front street. We are making steady progress on signs; she seems quite a bit stronger (she can jump up on way more things, oh joy).
Fritzi Zen and Sassy
3 thoughts on “Sassafras, the 5 month old Deaf OES-Adopted”
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I am very interested in adopting this beautiful girl. I lost Brie, a rescued deaf female Old English Sheepdog this past June and I miss her terribly. I have trained many sheepdogs and many deaf dogs. Positive reinforcement works very well using a hand signal/treat for shaping behavior. The hardest thing is to get their attention (from a distance) so you can give them a hand signal. Brie and I competed in Agility, and hardly anyone realized she was deaf. When she got very old and wanted to engage in mischief, she would avoid looking at me so that I couldn't signal her to stop the behavior. I would gladly fly from CT to FLA if I could be her "furever" home.
Thanks for the rescue work y'all do.
I would still love to have this baby. Sassafras and our 14 month old OES would be perfect together. From the video, they already act alike, on the couch wanting love. Please let me know if something changes, I will gladly come and pick her up this week. The lose of our beloved yellow lab has left a big hole in my heart that needs filling with lots of OES kisses.
Congrats Fritzi! It was a pleasure to meet you, and I know I can count on you for advice with future deaf/blind dogs we rescue, and one is on her way to me in just a few short days! Her name will be Asia.