Helo the Bossie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Helo is one of a litter of six puppies, the offspring of a Border Collie and Australian Shepherd. Born in mid-May, they were surrendered to Kandy of Second Chance Rescue in Alabama. We were contacted by Becky, asking if we would take them. The answer was a resounding yes! Kandy kept them for two weeks, until they were 8 weeks old and healthy enough for travel. And travel they did, in style! Jeff and Jackie flew them here on their private plane, sparing them a long car ride. Thank you Kandy, Becky, Jeff and Jackie!!!
These darling puppies have become my “H” puppies: Halo, Helo, Harper, Hopper, Hopscotch and Hodgepodge. I fondly refer to these puppies as my Deja Vu litter, as most of them remind me of some of my previous puppies.  Helo is a short-haired boy, the smallest in the litter.
If you are interested in adopting Helo, please read our article on Starting Off Your Dog Right, review our Adoption Process and e-mail me at holly.TheDogLiberator@gmail.com

July 15th Update:
Yesterday Helo was neutered and is now ready for his forever home. Last night he was a bit under the weather (gee, I wonder why) but this morning he was right back at it! I was trying to get some video of all the dogs and he kept romping under my feet. It’s hard to get footage when you’re also getting your foot!!!

July 17th Update:
Helo has headed home. Galen and Laarni were devastated when their Ishmael died suddenly on Thursday from Lymphoma, the same illness that took my Tenakee. Galen had originally contacted me about adopting Helo AND Halo but was disappointed to learn that Denise had already arranged a meet with Halo. It turned out to be fortuitous ~ on their way home from church this morning they saw a young dog running down the road with no collar.

Concerned, they followed. They soon found themselves on the doorstep of the owner of the puppy and it’s 4 littermates. Long story short, they ended up leaving with the unwanted female of th e litter! So Helo is starting out life with not only a wonderful couple, but with a best buddy, Sophie, a couple of weeks older and a lot of pounds heavier. He better be nice, ’cause I’m thinking she’s going to be at least 70 pounds!!!