The Dog Liberator™

The Dog Liberator rescues abandoned dogs throughout the Southeast. Based in Central Florida, this non-profit organization fosters all of their dogs in a home environment. Founded in 2009, all dogs are fully vetted, spayed or neutered prior to adoption. The Dog Liberator focuses in rescuing the herding breed, which consists of Border Collies, Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Aussies, Collies, and Deaf/Blind Dogs.

How You Can Help by Volunteering


Count the ways you can get involved and volunteer!

Identify and create low-cost spay/neuter programs for your community.

Foster the dog of your choice, even if it’s one at a time, you’re still saving a life.

Personally volunteer at a shelter, pound, or for a rescuer.

Collect used blankets and towels for shelters.

Cruise websites like Craig’s list and Freecycle for affordable used crates for your favorite rescuer.

Scout garage sales for dog-related items, like used crates.

Offer to be a adoption screener, and screen adoption applications.

Offer to conduct home-visits before and after adoptions.

Offer to become a volunteer transporter for your favorite rescuer. This is a huge help that is desperately needed.

Offer to groom dogs for your favorite rescuer, especially before adoption day!

Offer to answer the phones, one day a week, or one hour a day. Everything helps.

If you’re a great organizer, offer to organize a special event, like an adopt-a-thon.

Offer to pick up dogs and drive them to and from the vet or spay/neuter clinic for your favorite rescuer.

Design innovative fundraising ideas.

Support your favorite shelter, pound or rescuer on your Facebook page.

Sponsor a dog that’s on a Pet finding website on your Facebook page.

More TDL Articles

National list of No-Kill Shelters

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