An Unlikely Match
Chip and Dale are Catahoula littermates that we rescued from Alabama. It’s always hard fostering puppies like this, knowing that the day is soon coming when they will be adopted into separate homes….
Kenny and Kathleen live in Virginia, just outside DC. Now that Oddy, their Catahoula, is two years old, they believe he is ready for a playmate, so they begin their search for a Catahoula puppy on Petfinder. No rush, just looking for the perfect puppy.
Time goes by…..
One evening, while each is searching on their computer, Kathleen finds Chip. “Kenny, look at this one!”
“No, you look at this one!” He has found Dale.
What are the chances of a couple in DC finding these littermates in a Florida rescue at the same time?
So Kenny e-mails me asking about Dale. I thank him but tell him airlines won’t fly dogs this time of year. No problem, he’ll drive. I ask him why he’d drive fourteen hours past who knows how many dogs to meet my puppy. “Because that’s my dog.” Oh.
We talk more. I tell him he sounds great, but I’m afraid he might be crazy. I ask for referrals. And I call. I call his vet. I call his best friend since kindergarten. I call his co-worker. I even call his mother!
And I call Kenny back to say that it will apparently be a short trip for him since he doesn’t have to drive, given that he walks on water!

Plans are made. They will drive down Thursday night. Then Kenny finds out that he has to work over the weekend. Kathleen says no problem, she’s coming on her own. And she does! Fourteen hour drive in the car, leaving after work, napping in a couple of rest areas on the way down.
Dale is adorable. Kathleen loves him. But who is that nuzzling her hand. Chip. We visit. We talk. We admire the puppies. We even eat the lunch that my husband brings home. And then Kathleen steps outside to call Kenny.
Want to guess how the story ends? Yes, Chip and Dale are headed north with Kathleen, while Ken and Oddy anxiously await their arrival. Photos are promised.
And I am so happy!
~ Holly