Apache Sky, the Flashy ACD from Atlanta~Adopted
- By: Khaz
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Gordon County Animal Control has brought us yet another stunning dog!

TDL friends and family, I’m pleased to introduce to you Apache Sky– Georgia’s most eligible ACD bachelor! Forget “diamond in the rough”, this guy is the real deal. No polish necessary!
Apache Sky is housebroken, great with other dogs, cats, and children, and has a superb recall. Already responding to his name, Apache is rapidly catching on to his basic obedience commands, as well as his crate-training (though admittedly, he’d rather be beside you on the couch)! It’s very apparent Apache desires nothing more than to be praised. He will do anything for your approval, and goes giddy as a little pup for bellyrubs!
He is so well-adjusted, he will make a wonderful addition to any lifestyle. I envision Apache trotting happily alongside his humans on a hike, or tagging along on a group trail ride. Uncharacteristic of your average ACD, Apache has no ball drive, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to play! He’d make a great “first dog” for anyone interested in dipping their toes into the pool of herding breeds, as he is high-energy, but very manageable. My only concern is that he may be a little too rough for the tiny tots–he can be boisterous when showing his affection, and might accidentally knock a little one over. …Of course, he’d make up for it by slathering them in kisses!

Truly, I can’t say enough things about this remarkable boy. And if my babbling about how sweet he is isn’t enough–just look at him! This is a beautiful boy with a beautiful personality, who is looking for his perfect family.
We estimate Apache to be about 11 months to 1 year old, and at 46lbs, he has done just about all of his growing and should not get any larger. (Which is perfect for all you apartment people, like me!)
Foster Update: 11/27/11:
You guys won’t believe it, but Apache has finally learned what it means to be a Cattle dog! And by that, I mean he has finally discovered an ACD’s one true joy– the ball!

Personally, I can’t even convey how elated I am about this news. I can’t count how many times I’ve thrown the ball thinking to myself “Maybe today. Maybe, he’ll play today!”.
Well, I can proudly say, that day has finally come. Apache has found his drive! It was like turning on a light switch–one day he looks at me like I’m crazy for constantly throwing the ball into dead air, and then the next, he’s tearing up the dog park after every throw I toss!
Better yet, he brings the ball back! You bet I’m thanking my foster stars that I don’t have to spend my day tripping over unused tennis balls anymore. 🙂

Foster Update 11/12/11:
Apache is really coming in to his own! Now that he has settled down, he is showing his true colors as a total ham. Belly rubs are still his favorite guilty pleasure, but he’s recently discovered the joy of running, And boy can he fly!
Though still not terribly interested in balls, Apache is all about playtime! Apache is the expression of pure joy when he is out frolicking with his dog buddies. This is a dog that will play until he drops–if he drops, that is. But unlike other heavy playtimers, Apache takes less of a “rough and tumble” approach to play. He is non-vocal and not very mouthy–there’s no bossy bone in this boy’s body! It’s this attitude that makes him a great “dog intermediary”. Even grumpy puppies like my Weezer love him!
I bring him to work with me everyday so that he can get ample socialization and playtime, and let me tell you–I don’t think there is a single dog in the world that Apache wouldn’t like. Dog and person alike are greeted with the same friendly fervor. Each new meeting is like an opportunity to make a new best friend!
Apache has also grown to LOVE car rides since he has been coming to work! What used to take a lot of coaxing now takes a simple “okay!” before he hops right in to the back of the car. He knows he is going to see all of his friends, and you can see him literally wriggle with excitement! His understanding of his basic commands is getting stronger every day, and he is very proud of his sit! He’ll sit for everything; attention, food, praise, toys…he’ll even sit for a stranger, and sometimes other dogs.

To be frank, I’m shocked this boy hasn’t found his forever home yet. He is such a wonderful dog, with such a HUGE heart–my neighbor’s children adore him. Heck, I adore him! He is so willing to please, everyone who meets him falls in love. Truly he’s a gentleman of the dog kingdom. Ladies, your perfect “nice guy” awaits!
The backstory:
A little over two weeks ago I was scheduled to foster a Border Collie boy named Memphis.
Simultaneously, the ever-lovely Amy Benz sent out a photo of a stunning cattle dog available in Gordon County. Just like I tell my friends and family when they ask how I know which dogs to pick; “When you know, you know”.
I saw his photo and I knew.
I had to have that dog.

I spent the next few nights really sulking. I had already committed to Memphis, but I really wanted this boy. I had to have him. I shared him out all over the place; my heart wouldn’t rest. All the while, a shelter volunteer kept telling me what a great little dog he was.
I had forced myself to accept that fact that fostering a second dog in my apartment was just impossible.
But as luck would have it, on the day of the scheduled transport for Memphis to come to me, I received the news:
Memphis had been adopted!
Quickly some calls were made to our transport-extraordinaire Kathy Keith, and we arranged for her to pick up the happy little cattle dog who had been plaguing my dreams.
Now, two weeks later, Apache (formerly dog #749) is relaxing calmly in his crate, after just getting back from the vet with a clean bill of health. Fully vaccinated, heartworm negative, and neutered, Apache is 100% ready for his new home.
In fact, he was ready the second he got out of the shelter! Already, he is well-loved by all who meet him. Even the vet techs were enamored by him; one even remarked on his outstanding attitude, despite just being woken up from surgery.
“He was ready to play, right when he woke up!” she had said.
Unfortunately for Apache, playtime will have to wait for today, as he must don “the space helmet” until his stitches have healed enough. But even that doesn’t get him down–he’s just happy to be around us, and be showered with affection.
More photos of this stunning boy can be found in his facebook photo album here.
Currently being fostered by Khaz in Atlanta, GA, if you would like to know more about Apache, please direct all inquiries to Khaz.thedogliberator@gmail.com!
One thought on “Apache Sky, the Flashy ACD from Atlanta~Adopted”
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What a great dog. My plan has been to add a dog like this to our pack … When I get back to the states later this week I may just have to call!