- By: Gisele
- On:

So much about my experience with Bart was not shared here on this page. I took the time after his adoption to publish his story. Now that I look back, it’s quite amazing!

Adoption:Bart was adopted by M. H. Clark and Pete Mellen, both university professors. No doubt, he’ll have his own degree soon! It’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon!
Bart Today:  Bart is a very healthy pup, he has gained so much weight, thanks to great veterinary care and Andi Brown’s Chicken Stew, that he is the epitome of health.  He is Parvo negative, and has fully recovered.  Parvo is a virus, much like a cold.  He is not only affected by the virus anymore, he also is not contagious whatsoever.  This is one strong little pup who has much to offer his new family.

History:Â I opened an email last week that was full of cute pups, but one stood out because he was the only Collie. Â I immediately replied to Hollie and asked if I could get him. Â The photo was not very clear, but I knew I was looking at a long nose and beautiful eyes. Â Emily Kennedy was with me when I received his first photo, and after I shared it with her, she asked if we could name him Bartholomew!
I neglected to explain earlier, that this little pup was left in the night drop box at Animal Control. Â Not a very fitting option for a sick pup.
Friday, July 13th: Â Sarah White volunteered to help with the transport, and the collie was coming to me! Â That morning Hollie warned me that he had runny stool. Â Once Sarah picked him up, she noticed that he had no energy, and something just didn’t seem right. Â Once he threw up, she called me with serious concerns. Â She indicated that it had a metallic smell to it. Â I instructed Sarah to drive straight to Val-u-Vet on the way to my home. Â I contacted the vet, and they stood ready to assist. Â I wanted fluids and a parvo test.
After dropping him off, Sarah and I sat and waited at my house for the results. Â Thirty minutes later, the dreaded phone call confirmed that he tested strong positive. Â We discussed his options, his treatment, and the cost.

Scared out of my mind, I called Anita and we decided to ask for donations to cover his first few days of treatment. Â If he survives, we will determine what the cost will be and decide if we should do a chip-in at a later date. Â When a rescue has a medically needy animal, the funds used to save that animal are not available to rescue the next group that are waiting in line to be rescued.
We quickly had dinner and Sarah drove me to the vet to visit little Bart. Â The moment they opened the door to his private room, I fought back the tears… it was Goldie Hawn all over again. Â He wouldn’t have eye contact with me, and even as I sat on the floor close to his cage, he would not lift his head. Â I opened his crate, and rubbed his little head and whispered sweet nothings in his ear! Â Â Everything that can be done medically, was being done.
As I left, the staff and I agreed that the next 24 hours would be critical. Â There’s really nothing we can do at this point, but pray, and see if he makes it.
When I got back home, Sarah and I sat together for a while, and I felt myself bouncing back and forth between hope and despair. Â I was preparing myself for the worse, yet trying to be hopeful. Â It surprises me that most rescuers aren’t bi-polar!

Saturday, July 14th: Â I slept with one eye open last night, falling back asleep with a silent prayer, and had dreams of setting up my master bathroom into a triage area once again, exactly like I had set it up for Goldie Hawn, three years ago. Â But did Bart make it through the night?
My son Ryan woke me up, he had made the coffee and let all of the dogs out already. Â There was no excuse but for me to get out of bed and make the call. Â I took one sip, and dialed the number. Â Ray informed me that not only did Bart eat his breakfast, he’s lifting his head up and wagging his tail. Â Wow! Â Can I get excited now? Â Not really, I have to stay in limbo for a while, but I can’t deny how good it feels to know he has eaten!
Tomorrow marks The Dog Liberator’s three year anniversary. Â July 15th marks the day I adopted out Mel. Â Bonnie Belle would be adopted just a few days later, and I got the rescue fever!
I’m getting emails from folks throughout the country that remember Goldie Hawn. Â It feels so good to know she has not been forgotten. Goldie was my Lady Di’s pup. Â They were both flown to me by Jeff Bennett of Pilots-n-Paws.
What I have learned in these past three years is incredible. Â I’ve learned how strong I really am, and I’ve learned how weak I really am as well.

What he really needs is a foster with the intent to adopt. Â Since I don’t have a foster that can take care of Bartholomew for several weeks, I will prepare my triage room, and visit him later today. Â Thank you for your prayers, healing thoughts and donations. Â I know I’m not alone.
How can I ever thank you?

Sunday, July 22: Â Bart had a very very good night! Everything is starting to work. Continue to cross your fingers that the worse is over and it’s all great news from here.
Well, again I spoke too soon. Bart will not soil in his room, he held his pee over night and went outside this morning, and he hides in the bushes to do his number two… all boys need their privacy! When I checked on him this afternoon, here’s what he did with the newspaper and wee wee pads! Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 24th: Here’s your update for today! Enjoy!

Review a post regarding Rescue and the details the rescue of Bart and Shy Sharon, called Hints, Allegations and Things Left Unsaid and how these two dogs literally rescued me!
Yes, Bart was adopted, and I will be providing details and updates shortly!

12 thoughts on “Bartholomew~Adopted”
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This story has touched my heart. I had a puppy that got Parvo from my sister’s dog that had it. Her dog survived and my dog who was a little older, stronger and bigger died in my arms. I had two small children at home and I slept basically downstairs for the longest 72 hours of my life. I did everything possible. In the end all I could do was hod him and let him know he was not alone. Till this day I can not think of my beautiful Guy (Shar Pei) and not have tears.
I hope your dog makes it through and can find his forever home.
Good luck and my prayers will be with him and you.
little Bart is
so precious. I hope he does well.
this little guy has really touched my heart.I loved the pictures and I am so happy to see him make such wonderful progress. Is He going to be a full sized collie? what a beautiful pup!
Good luck little puppy! From your friend, Sheltie Indiana French. My owners are sending in a donation to help with your care. You are the cutest!
That’s pure love! What a beautiful, happy (and healthy!) puppy.You done good!!!!!
Very good news indeed!! Thank you for taking such good care of him. He looks healthy and handsome!!
Bart is doing so well here, he is stronger, gaining weight, and playing with the pack. He adores little red (Shy Sharon) and he’s already house broken!
Here is a look at all of the cheering that happened once I announced that Bart has been cleared by the Vet!
109 Comments, and 152 likes and 32 shares for Bart’s photo album! He should have his own Facebook Fan Page!
I am so relieved and happy to see that Bart has recovered. What a great video, seeing him romp around, who would’ve thought this was possible just a few short weeks ago. I just loved the look on his face while he was getting a bath, I could just hear him thinking “get me out of here…!” LOL As always, you’ve done a wonderful job. A word to your detractors…..A year ago, my Thunder was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen. I had no idea what the dangers of an enlarge spleen could mean to him. I also had no idea how I was going to pay for the needed operation/treatment. Well, I contacted Gisele and gave her a quick synopsis as to was was going on. She immediately posted the diagnosis on her site, asking her followers for help/suggestions. She also sent me her phone number and asked me to call her. To make a long story short, she talked to me, calmed me down, and let me know that I was not alone in this. She also advised me on how to set up a “chip-in” for his vet bills. She stayed in constant contact with me until his ordeal was over and he was home with me. She’s a great person, and does a wonderful job for the resources she has. Thank you Gisele and The DogLiberator 🙂
Your a truly Wonderful and Classy Lady Gisele. You have risen above the petty insults and attacks. You are just moving forward and continuing to do what your Heart is telling you to do. The critics will fade away, each time, but you will not. You have the support of many, and that’s what counts. The pups need you and you make it happen for them. We’re truly Lucky to have you and the other Wonderful TDL people. I believe it was TDL that brought Flynn into my life and not the Critics. xoxo
You’re one amazing force of nature my dear. You’ve helped so many of our wonderful families to be better. Thank you for all you do. Xox