Bibbity Bobbity but no Boo ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Bibbity and Bobbity are littermates who came to us thanks to the efforts of Brett and Hugh of Pilots N Paws. They offered to fly them and Riddle, Ripple, Raffle and Ruffle to us from northern Georgia. It was touch and go there for a while as we had some trouble coordinating getting these two out of the shelter and to the airport in time, but thanks to the tenacity of Sherrie Ford and Kathy Keith, these two made it! Scared to death, but they made it.
I suspect that Bibbity and Bobbity were born outside and never knew the love a human hand until now. When they first arrived, they wouldn’t let us approach them. You should have seen my wonderful husband that first evening, crawling under the hedge in the back corner of your yard, being eaten by the largest ants I have ever seen, to bring them in for the night. Within a couple of days these precious pups were coming right up to us for the love and attention they so desperately wanted. I adore all of my fosters, but it is the ones like this, the ones that without our intervention would have grown up wild and most certainly eventually been caught and euthanized, these are the ones that occupy a special place in my heart.

I was told that Bibbity and Bobbity are Border Collie pups, and I believe it, but there are certainly another breed or two in their family tree.  What they are, I just don’t know. I even asked for opinions when I took them to the vet, yet everyone was stumped. All agreed that they are very striking, but no breed jumped out and said, “Here I am!” Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I prefer mix breeds. I know, sacrilege! I just find that with mixed breeds you’re just more likely to avoid the extremes of breed temperament and instincts, as well as health issues.

Bibbity is the girl, smaller than her brother, with a rather unique fawn coat. She wears a red collar with a grey stripe. Be sure to look through her photo album.

Bobbity is the boy, with a striking tricolored coat. His collar is blue with a grey stripe. Here is his photo album.
I am fostering these puppies in Winter Park, Fl. If you think that you might want to give one of them a loving home, please first review our Dog Tips, then read our adoption process and e-mail the appropriate information at
Vicki Truelove made this video of the puppies getting ready to leave on the Pilots N Paws flight.
I made this video of them after they had arrived at my home.
September 11th Update:
Brett, the pilot who flew the puppies to us, sent Vicki the following note:
“Hugh and I had a great time, definitely a trip to remember. I think what you guys are doing is incredible and it felt great to be a part of it. The flight back in our little 172 was long but very pleasant, the pups slept. Well, except cricket (Ruffle), he was wrestling with his kennel mates and biting hughs finger. I thought it was awesome turning them loose in the fbo and watching the little energetic fur balls bound back to life. They’re going to warm a lot of hearts. (if the little grey and white one doesn’t have a home after too long… Well… ) ”
You can see why we consider ourselves so blessed to have such people come alongside us!
September 16th Update:
One of the reasons that I am the primary puppy foster is that I am not only home with them all day, but I have two kids, two dogs, two cats and two birds, all of which help lead to more well rounded dogs. Ralph is my Basset/Lab mix. He is really amazing with the puppies, very nurturing and loving. All the puppies love him and swarm him like a rock star. I feel a little sorry for him sometimes because he is so low to the ground that he can’t get away from them. Patience is a virtue, and Ralph is very virtuous!
September 17th Update:
One of the joys of fostering puppies is watching them play together. Here we have Raffle, Ruffle, Waffle, Bibbity, Bobbity and Kanter horsing around in my living room, under the not-so-vigilant eyes of my Ralph and Gus. Actually, I think Ralph and Gus just egg them on!
September 18th Update:
A million dog toys and the puppies always want the one that the other has! I can’t help it ~ I just love these little ones!

September 21st Update:
What a difference a week can make! When Bibbity and Bobbity first came to us, they were scared to death. I believe that they had lived on their own with no human contact at all. That first night my husband had had climb underneath the hedge in the corner of the yard and through an ant nest to get them to bring into the house. They were wide-eyed and trembling….

After a week of working with them, of holding them, feeding them, talking with them, they are just about there! Last night friends came over for dinner and we were so happy to see Bobbity go right up to Mark to get his ears scratched. Bibbity danced on the edge of the group but finally let Megan pick her up and hold her. I think two more days and she’ll be okay. A little slower to respond, perhaps, because she is a bit less sure of herself plus she caught a cold following her spay. I think that both of these pups are going to be wonderful. I’ve done this before and know that when you have a dog or puppy that arrives so frightened, when you finally break through that wall and build trust, you also have amazing loyalty. I just love these two little ones and can’t wait to see them with their forever families!
Unfortunately, Bobbity did not make it, and he succumbed to parvo.

October 4th Update:
Bibbity has found her forever home! Elishyah has waited patiently for this day, and it was worth the wait. Once painfully shy and frightened, this little girl greeted him with a wag of her tail. My husband was especially happy; he has spent much time with Bibbity helping become more confident. Today we saw it pay off as she left for her home with this wonderful young man! Casselberry, welcome your newest Dog Liberator pup!