BoBo Gives Back

Written by Laura Leigh Burke
Sometime in 2011, my Facebook feed introduced me to the Dog Liberator with the story of Chance (Rhys). I remember reading his story and sobbing at my computer desk. I could not comprehend how anyone could do such a thing to any living creature but I was so happy to know that he was safe now.
From that day I frequented the Dog Liberator blog and Facebook page taking turns sobbing and laughing. I always found it comforting in this crazy and most often un-explainable world that no matter how desperate the situation or how far away the dog was, the people here found a way to help.
In March of 2012, my daughter brought home a stray black lab she rescued from being hit by the school bus. I had always had dogs but I was not prepared for the bad habits this one brought with her. Gisele was a wonderful source of support and information. Things went back to normal and I often stalked her page liking this and commenting on that.
In April of this year The Dog Liberator posted Bobo’s need for transport from Lake City to Deltona. I felt so sorry for this beautiful boy home alone all day because his owner, Sherilyn was in the hospital. I was sure that someone would come through to transport BoBo to Gisele. I watched and I waited and still no transport and I finally realized why. I had been praying to find a way to help since I read Chance’s story and this was it. So nervously I emailed Gisele and told her that if it was ok, I would transport him. She emailed me back to let me know that she was trying to put together something and would let me know when. Well, I thought, she did not tell me no so I emailed her back to let her know that if she could not find anyone else to help, I would go get him and bring him to her the whole way. And that is just what my son and I did.
On April 7th we arrived in Lake City and met with the woman, Belinda, who had been checking on him every day. It was emotional. She was crying and I was nervous. BoBo suffers from separation anxiety, and he cried every time Belinda would come to check on him. BoBo needed more than a kind person to visit him, he needed to be in a home where he could feel secure. Once I got BoBo in my car, the further we got from his house, the more he cried. He knew, we were taking him away from his home. I called Gisele, I didn’t know what to do except keep driving. She reassured me that he would be fine and so it was. It was a long day but it was such a great feeling to know that I helped him and he would not be alone anymore.
Strangely, once BoBo arrived at Gisele’s house, he wasn’t nervous anymore. He walked in, greeted her dogs, and acted like he had been there forever. Her house is where BoBo started. He was rescued from Panama City, Florida and was fostered by Gisele for a while back in 2010.

Since then I have helped Gisele with the transport of Osbourne and Maggie May. It gave me a chance to see and check on my very first passenger. Osbourne looked wonderful and was much happier than that poor boy who cried all the way from Lake City to Deltona.
BoBo had a blast at Gisele’s house, and when things got busy for her, Bart’s Mom volunteered to foster BoBo. BoBo and Bart had daily frat parties! Funny how Bart made BoBo play, and BoBo taught Bart some manners.

On Friday, June 21st I got the privilege of bringing this story full circle. I got to take Bobo home to his Mommy in Lake City. To top it off, I brought him a wife as well.
Gisele called me Friday morning about my trip to Deltona to pick up Bobo and we discussed the fact that his Mommy had decided to get a foster dog to keep him company. That same morning Gisele had been contacted by a woman in Marion County who could no longer keep her 8 year old Border Collie female due to divorce and the resulting housing issue. She had taken her to Marion County Animal Control and they referred her to the Dog Liberator.

We discussed how perfect it would be if this girl could go home and be fostered by Bobo but Gisele did not want to just send this dog to Lake City without having the chance to evaluate the situation and I agreed. So I reminded her that at the moment I was in Marion County at work (I live in Citrus) and could go pick up the dog on my way to get Bobo and we could see how things went from there. We made contact again with the dog’s owner in Marion County and at 4pm I was there to evaluate things. She was very stressed about having to rehome her dog. She had been with the family for 8 years and I could tell she was loved however, the stress was tangible.

I could feel it, the owner was overwhelmed with it and the dog was being affected to. The dog’s name was Shebba and she seemed to know why I was there. I got the necessary paperwork, loaded her into my car and we were off to Deltona. I can not say it was love at first sight. They sniffed and circled for a moment but Shebba was still overwhelmed and needed to adjust. So, after a wonderful dinner with Gisele and her family, it was back in my car with both dogs this time and home to Crystal River.
The next morning we were all loaded up into the car by 9am and headed to Lake City. Like dogs do, Bobo and Shebba took turns creating nose art and sleeping. For the most part the trip was uneventful, that is at least it was until we got to Lake City. We were about 7 minutes from our destination and my daughter opened the window. Suddenly Bobo looked like he’d just drank cappuccino. He began to excitedly sniff the air and pace my back seat. We looked at each other and I said “Do you think he knows?”. The closer we got, the more excited he got. In fact, due to parking issues I had to pass his house and turn around on another street and he nearly went crazy. BoBo started crying!
Bobo was one happy boy to be home. He pranced around his living room while Shebba, now called “Lovey”, explored the house. When I finally said my goodbyes, Bobo and Lovey were laying on the living room floor in front of the air conditioner side by side. This was the happy ending I had hoped for for BoBo, and a great new beginning for Lovey!

06/26/13 Update: I received a photo from Bobo’s Mom, (Sherilyn) of his new foster, “Lovey”. The two dogs are getting along very well, but BoBo is a bit shy. BoBo would like to proudly introduce to you, his new foster, Lovey, who is available for adoption!
Click here to read BoBo’s original post.