Sherry Kaschak is our Winner!

Sherry Kaschak has won this raffle. Â Sherry is from Virginia! Â Woo Hoo!
A Gift for you! Â We are having another raffle, to include all four TDL books written about our very special dogs, Bart, China, Huckleberry and Penelope. Â Also included is a TDL T-shirt, you just tell us what size you’d like!
Each $5 donation to TDL gives you a chance to enter this raffle! Â Just click on the paypal button! Â I print the paypal notifications and in one week, we mix them up all up in a bowl, and Sarah will pick the winner! Â The T-shirts are valued at $20 (not including shipping) and each book is valued at $14.95. Â Together, this is a $79 value.