Brushfire, the mini Catahoula~Adopted

A few days before we were about to have an empty apartment, one of my Facebook friends from rural Summerville, Georgia posted a PetFinder picture of a stunning merle girl in Chattooga County Animal Control. The minute that Steve and I saw her, we knew that this dog needed to come to us. I was struck by her beauty, and unique pattern; like autumn leaves. I had to have her.
I sent an email to the shelter immediately stating my adoration for her. Retrospectively, I imagine I sounded a little frantic! The following Tuesday I sent Steve up to get her. Steve reported that on his way home from picking her up at the shelter, he saw firefighters on the side of the road putting out–can you guess it? Yep, a Brushfire! We took it as a sign.
Based off her shelter photo, we were expecting a 40-50 pound dog…somewhere between the size of an aussie and a smaller Catahoula. Much to my chagrin, a small Catahoula is what I got indeed! Brushfire weighs in at a whopping 26lbs. That’s only three pounds more than my Welsh Corgi! Literally, she was an entire dog less than I expected! 🙂
A petite beauty she may be, but what makes Brushfire so special is that her beauty extends deeper than her coat and color.

In rescue, we all know that sometimes, our dogs carry with them “scars” from their past. Unfortunately for Brushfire, her scars are as real as other’s are figurative. I was enamored by her cute little underbite.  Brushfire has an underbite, a long, straight scar on her nose, and has the tip of her tongue bitten off. We think that she had her mouth tied shut with string or twine when she was younger, causing the scar, underbite, and missing piece of tongue. Happily, though, she bears no emotional scars whatsoever, as Brushfire is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves other dogs (of all sizes!), people, and kids. In fact, Brushfire is content curling up next to you as you watch TV, surf the internet, or read a book! Even though she spends her time with a big Aussie and a headstrong Corgi, Brushfire is always the star of the show, playing a formidable game of tug-of-war against both Denver and Weezer, and normally winning!
Brushfire is truly an incredible dog. She is potty trained, and does great in the crate. Her personality is so outgoing that you can’t help but fall in love with her– especially after she gives you a few kisses! You can check out more pictures of Brushfire on The DogLiberator’s Facebook Page.
Brushfire is being fostered by Khaz Brooks in the Atlanta area. She can be reached at