Captain Jack Sparrow, the Sheltie Boy~Adopted.
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Captain Jack came to us from Miami-Dade thanks to Patty Duenas who pulled him and transporter Jennifer that drove him to his foster. He was picked up as a stray and was described as very, very scared in the shelter environment.
This little Sheltie boy was in serious trouble, and we didn’t even know it.
Patty Wrote: He has a few staples on his neck that need to be removed in a week. He had a cut on his neck. Vet said that the “dreads” he had were pulling his skin apart. They weighed a lot. This dog broke my heart. I bathed him on Wednesday. He is so sad. He was not doing well in shelter environment. Can’t wait to see him flourish in a living home.
I’ve never heard of a dog needing grooming so much that it literally split his skin… that’s gross.  Michelle Kamber in Boynton Beach is fostering this little boy, and  he immediately was invited to play with her dog, Trixie!  While he was terrified at the shelter, he’s playing in foster care!

While we see the Sheltie in him, his ears and nose has us a bit confused.  He doesn’t have short little legs, so your guess is as good as mine! Jack is 25 pounds and while the shelter thought he was 5, we disagree and feel like he is more likely about 3 years old.
9/14/14 Update: Michelle writes: “As soon as he got to our home, his tail started wagging and hasn’t stopped much since. I was prepared to spend a few days helping him get over is fright but that wasn’t necessary.  He was happy to explore the yard and loved meeting our dog. He seems to like other dogs a lot and has been following our pup Trixie around like a shadow. He’s met the cats too but couldn’t care less about them.
Captain Jack is not overly clingy to the humans but will come around for affection every so often and then is happy to go play with the dog. He’s more likely to follow another dog around the house than the human. He has a very sweet personality and has been perfectly behaved so far. He’s potty trained, gentle, quiet, playful with other dogs and loves to have his ears scratched. Jack is not too sure about toys, it’s like he’s never seen them before. We are working on getting him to realize the fun of all the toys in the basket. My baby nephew came over yesterday and he was perfect with him as well.”

9/28/14 Update: Michelle writes: “We’ve had Captain Jack for a little over two weeks now and boy has he come out of his shell! He’s one of the most loving, sweet and easy dogs I’ve fostered. He got his staples out from his neck boo-boo last week and was a star at the vet’s office. Everyone fell in love with the good nature and cuteness of our Captain.
He has become super affectionate. He loves to be pet and scratched all over and will melt his body into your legs for more. Captain Jack is great with dogs, cats, and people of all ages. He also gets very excited about car rides and when the leash comes out.”
We will get more updates soon, but in the meantime, you can visit his photo album on Facebook.

Update: Â Captain Jack was adopted by Rick of Fort Myers. Â He’s making himself at home and creating a relationship with Rick’s cats! Â Can’t wait for updates! Â You can see more adoption photos on his facebook album.
4/7/16 Update: It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of Jack’s passing. 3 weeks ago he was diagnosed with a heart issue which ultimately became too much. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family as they grieve his loss.