The Dog Liberator™

The Dog Liberator rescues abandoned dogs throughout the Southeast. Based in Central Florida, this non-profit organization fosters all of their dogs in a home environment. Founded in 2009, all dogs are fully vetted, spayed or neutered prior to adoption. The Dog Liberator focuses in rescuing the herding breed, which consists of Border Collies, Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Aussies, Collies, and Deaf/Blind Dogs.

Chicabowow the Puppy

Gisele thinks that Chicabowow has been spending a lot of time hanging out with Border Collies. You see, Gisele is what I call a “Border Collie snob.” If it isn’t a Border Collie, she doesn’t know why people would be interested. I tell her that as far as I’m concerned, a Border Collie is just a black and white dog. We have a very nurturing relationship with each other….

So why does she think my little Chihuahua/Miniature Pincher puppy has been hanging with the BCs? Because he is way too smart! When I got out the tunnel from my agility kit to see how the puppies would do, I was in a for a surprise. First, I fully expected it to take a couple of days to get them comfortable with it. Silly me! All I had to do was toss some treats in, and there they were! After just 5 minutes, the Australian Shepherd puppies Weeble and Wobble were wrestling in it. Kai the Border Collie was laying in it for shade. And Chicabowow? Within 5 minutes he would run through it every time I said, “Tunnel.” Honest! I couldn’t believe it!

And it isn’t just the tunnel. He has been the best about not only chasing a ball, but bringing it back. He goes for the Frisbee to, although I’m still at the stage with him where I roll it like a wheel. Scary smart….

Bowow is a very interactive puppy. He does great with the other dogs and is particularly fond of large dogs. He pays never-you-mind to my cats, and is fascinated by my love birds. And people? He loves people. He dances around and want to be held so he can lick your face.

Chicabowow came to me from Alabama with his littermates. I estimate that they were born in early November. He’s had his puppy shots, kennel cough shot, been dewormed and microchipped, but isn’t old enough yet for his rabies shot. (Rabies is given at four months) Just this morning I took him into Aloma Jancy Animal Hospital for his third puppy shot and asked vet tech Kim if she thought he was old enough for his rabies. She and tech Chris both agreed he is not.

I just adore this little guy. He will be a small dog without that nervousness that you often see in small dogs. He reminds me of a deer, with his slender build and long legs. He is a complete joy!

For more photos of Chicabowow, visit both his personal photo album and that of the entire litter photo album plus their original webpage. He is being fostered in Winter Park, Fl.

If you are interested in adopting Chicabowow, please review our adoption process and then e-mail me at

February 26 Update

Last night the M puppies arrived: Milkbone, Milkdud, Mimzy and Mozey. They were still very hesitant this morning, that is, until Chicabowow took matters into his own paws. He started racing around the yard, weaving in and out of the puppies, as if to say, “It’s alright. This is a great place to be. Come on, let’s play. Chase me!” In no time at all, the game was afoot!

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