Cinder the Springer Spaniel Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Cinder is an 8-month-old Springer Spaniel that was left behind when her family moved. When I say left behind, I mean left in the yard! The neighbors fed her and the other dogs (four of them) for a couple of weeks until a friend of our rescue learned about them. She went to the home and only found Cinder and Chloe, a 13-week-old German Shepherd puppy. They are now safe with us and doing well.
Given how she was abandoned, I expected Cinder to be shy or nervous. Far from it. She is a gentle dog, self-confident but not pushy. She is playful but not hyper. When she wags her stub of a tail, which is almost all the time, her whole bottom shakes. She does great with other dogs too. She is really quite wonderful!
Cinder is only 28 pounds. I don’t think she is going to be much more than 35 pounds when full grown. You can enjoy lots of photos of her on her Facebook photo album.
October 17 Update:
My beautiful Cinder has found her forever home, and it is the perfect one! Sherrie and Jim recently lost their 15-year-old Beauty and she has been missed by not only them but Boscoe as well, their 5-year-old Basset/Jack Russell. At first they were hesitant about Cinder because her markings are so similar to Beauty’s but they decided to come over and see how she “fit.” She fit very well indeed! She and Boscoe immediately became fans of each other, and in what I thought was an inappropriately short period of time, she was sitting at their feet rather than mine! lol Cinder has had so much upheaval in her short life, she just doesn’t know if she is coming or going. I told Sherrie and Jim that they are essentially meeting her at her low point, and that they will have the pleasure of watching her unfurl. I know this is the right family and the right setting for Cinder to become all that she was meant to be. I am so happy!
October 18th Update:
We have given Cinders a new name – Buffy! She already knows her name and comes when called. We had a good night first night last night. We have a crate for Buffy and she seems quite happy with it. Only one accident on the carpet so far, she is going outside very well. Boscoe is a good tutor.
One thought on “Cinder the Springer Spaniel Puppy ~ Adopted”
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I met Cinder today at the Reunion. I was watching her online and loved her and I love her more now. At 8 mths. old she is a very gentle, sweet, happy girl. Absolutely beautiful and very calm. She is a puppy but acts much more mature. Maybe because she had to take care of little Cloe. This would be a great dog for a family with little kids, or any kids, she is so so gentle and calm by nature. Her face is delightful and she is light and small. Very special little dog. She would be a great dog for an older person also…so sweet.