Dash – The Dashing Collie Mix~Adopted

When I was able to save Huckleberry last week, the kind officer told me of another pup who was very afraid in the shelter. He had come in with his young mom and was so afraid they had labeled him a potential “fear biter”. His Mom was rescued, but he had to be left behind…aggressive they said.
I was allowed to only look at him…his “room” was right next to the room where they euthanize and they had been euthanizing that morning. All I saw was fear and mistrust in those beautiful eyes. Dash wouldn’t get up off of his bed and come to say hello. His kennel was clean.
I promised him I wouldn’t forget about him….
I got a phone call and a Facebook message, then a text from the shelter on the 14th. Dash had been on hold till the 14th. They told me that I was the only one that would be allowed to evaluate him. The officer in charge was leaving at 3. If I couldn’t come he would be pts.
Remembering my promise I jumped in my car and drove to the shelter… this time not getting lost. However, I did run in to roadblocks because of schools or something…. traffic was awful but i forged ahead.

When I arrived at the shelter they escorted me back to him. He was laying on his bed just as I had left him a week ago. No wag of the tail, but a look of recognition in his eyes, he lifted his head, but still did not get off his bed.
I entered his kennel and walked to his bed facing away from him and began dropping treats to him. He ate the treats which was a good sign, but still so unsure of what i was up to…
I kneeled beside him and offered the treats from my hand. Dash ever so gently took them from me. I put my mendotta around his neck and he got up off the bed, seemed so happy to leave the kennel, then part way down the hall he stopped….sat down and seemed afraid again….oh, he wasn’t sure what happened to dogs when they left their kennel…some never came back. Through lots of encouragement we dashed out the door into the big yard and suddenly…there was Dash! He changed before my eyes.
First thing he wanted to do was potty and potty he did for at least 5 min.! That poor boy had been holding it for soooo long!!! I had noticed his kennel was clean and his water full. Poor baby!

We walked and talked for a while around the yard enjoying the sun. I turned to him and without asking he sat for a treat and did not jump. I sat down on the ground still offering treats and before I knew it he was giving me big sloppy kisses!!! Another rescuer showed up and I asked them to come in and meet him. He greeted each with a kiss. The teenage daughter asked to take him for a walk, so off they went. I’ve included the video of their first greeting.
The officer who had so kindly let me see him appeared in the yard, walked up, kneeled down, and Dash smothered him with kisses.
Okay, officer, I said, I’ve made my evaluation, “He’s young, under a year, and scared to death! Not a punishable offense!”
He agreed. So once again this kind officer looked at me and said, You can adopt him. The vet was there and she gave him shots and he gave kisses all around. As we dashed out the gate he never looked back…
The teenage girl and her mom agreed to take him home for the night. Then is sent his picture to Erin the Extraordinary and asked, “please” Well, Erin being her usual wonderful self agreed and the next day she picked him up.
Both Erin and Amy reported that he was wonderful, appeared housebroken, and just stinking sweet!
Sunday, I got to see Dash again as he we had arranged a transport to florida for him. Dash gets to hang with Sam and her pack while waiting on his family to find him.
Dash greeted me with kisses and happy wags, he was worried, so I told him that Santa would visit him in florida and bring him his very own home and family for Christmas. He had been showing much hesitation about getting in the car previously, can you blame him? This time he dashed into the passenger seat, calling shotgun!!!
Twas a week before Christmas, and throughout the South,
transport was being arranged for Holy and Dash.
As they dashed from their sleigh I got a kiss on the mouth!
I gave them all their Georgia Christmas sash.
Laying his tongue aside of my nose, up to the passenger seat he rose,
I heard him exclaim, as they drove out of sight,
Merry Christmas TDL ! You are all right!
If you are interested in adopting, please read Starting your Dog Out Right, and How to Adopt from us, and then email me at sam.thedogliberator@gmail.com
12/20/11 Update: Â I met Dash and Huckleberry yesterday at the vet. Â They were both as calm and calm could be. Â Huck rested his head on Dash’s back several times, and Dash was very polite and friendly with everyone. Â I saw no fear in him whatsoever. Â He’s an awesome dog, and his photos do not do him justice. Â I remember when I first got China, her owner said as she was surrendering her to the Camden County Humane Society that she was not good with kids. What a joke! – Gisele
12/24/11 Update: Dash is cute little fluffball. That is the scientific term. Dash has a very buoyant personality, he always seems happy! He is very affectionate, and gets along great with my pack. My beagle Chopper and him are becoming good friends, even though Dash is big enough to swat Chopper down with ease. It is a lot of fun to watch Dash play, he LOVES attention from people or other dogs. He is about a year old, and weighs 41lbs. My best guess is that he will top out at about 50lbs. He looks bigger because his coat is so fluffy! In my opinion, Dash will do well in any home, honestly, with dogs or without dogs. – Kevin

Foster Update: 12/26/2011: Â Â Dash arrived back at my house today. Â Yay! Â He is such an amazing puppy! Â He gets along great with my pack. Â Charlie, Boomer, and KaiKai just adore this dog. Â Early this evening, I let Dash, Bonnie Collie, and KaiKai play in the back yard. Â They all had a big time. Â Dash is friendly, affectionate, very smart, and housebroken! Â Dash has that puppy joy where nothing can get him down. Â He just smiles and gets the other dogs to play. Â He loves for the other dogs to chase him; he makes a lap around the yard, looks back, waits for everyone to catch up, and then leaps over the patio furniture. Â I think he just loves seeing KaiKai trip over herself trying to catch up to him! Â Dash is ready for adoption now. Â There is nothing I see that needs correcting. Â He is just a big fluffy bundle of pure joy! Â Dash wants to be in his new home for the new year! – Sam

01/09/12 Update: Â Dash was adopted by Sarah and Brandon and will be living in the Orlando area!