Canine Reboot for Debbie’s Pack

I received an email from Debbie on October 20th, 2012. Â She originally asked for my help to re-home her dogs after she found Canine Connect. Â Her email stated:
“My husband and I are experiencing a lot of stress regarding my two little dogs, which I love!
They have been together for over 5 years, and they love each other. I am the one that loves my dogs, my husband just cares for them, feeding and walking, etc.  Since I am the one who is not in the home, the pets have been relieving themselves on the tile floor, all throughout the house. They are paper trained so this is not normal. Â
I am telling you this because I love my dogs, but this is probably too stressful for them.  Would it be best to give them up for someone who can give them stability? I know I will miss them later but I don’t want to be selfish.
Daisy is a 8 pound yorkie/maltese female. She is sweet and loving and gentle. Sophie is a mix of several dogs, I took her in 5 years ago. She is very afraid of strangers and if I am not around she will not go near people. She growls at them, but has never bitten them. She is just scared to death. However, after she trusts you, it took about a week, she is the most loyal, loving, wonderful gentle dog ever. She is about 5 pounds.
They have both been neutered, and are up to date on their shots. I have not taken very good care of their teeth, which I regret. Other than that they are perfectly healthy. I am afraid that someone will take them, keep Daisy and get rid of Sophie. They have to stay together! Â
Please give me some advice if you can. I am so confused! I love them but they aren’t getting the love and care that they need.  “
I contacted Debbie and offered her assistance to re-home her two dogs. Â However, I offered her help, and asked if she could keep her dogs, would she. Â Her answer was yes, but how!
I interviewed her for over an hour, and she answered my questions. Â Then we dissected the dogs’ problems one at a time. Â I knew that I was going to tell her what she didn’t want to hear. Â She was babying her dogs, and her husband’s idea to create “rules, boundaries, and limitations” for the dogs would create instant results.
I offered her a plan, and she put my plan into practice immediately. Â Here are her updates:
October 23, 2012:
“I am in shock!  You have changed our lives! The dogs on the leash, excellent.   It only took a few times putting them off the couch and they have not gotten on it again. They used to bark like crazy when the garage door went up, they started, I told them to stop and they did. Â
In the crate, together, not a peep out of them all night! They are so much happier. I didn’t get home til Monday at 8:00, that is when we started it, and as I said, I am in shock!
Just a question… My little dominate one, that urinates over the other dog every single time, she didn’t do it this morning. Does that mean anything or just a coincidence?
I reminded her not to get her hopes to high, she still had much work to do, and that the dogs just may test her! Â Here’s her reply:
“I do have my hopes up! I am different, so they are different, thanks to you! I’m not backing down. If I can’t do this then I have to give them up. I can see that they need things totally different than what I thought.
I cooked for them. I altered a recipe to things I had. They loved it! Chicken livers, rice, green beans, carrots. I made enough for a few days in the freezer. It is fun. You were right, they went potty when I took them out 30 minutes later. Â
Hubby is really helping me a lot. He feels better that the boundaries he wanted to set in the beginning are being set! Â
On October 24th, Â Debbie shared with me that while she and her husband were eating dinner on the couch, the pups went into their crates, and took a nap… Â No more begging for food!
I continue to check on Debbie, but I think this was a great Shelter Prevention Story!