FarmBoy the Border Collie Puppy
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Farmboy is Border Collie mix puppy who came to us as part of our October rescue run from Alabama. Can you believe that someone dumped this little guy at a farm and drove off when he was only about 4 weeks old??? The land owner was going to take him to the pound when our intrepid Stephanie got word. She e-mailed us and asked if we had room. Well, golly, who could say no???
Farmboy is all personality! He thinks he is as big as the puppies who are twice his size and just loves to wrestle with them. Yesterday, when Cricket had her head in a hole that they had all dug, Farmboy came up behind her and pushed her in. It was hysterical. She was not amused and said that he caught her off guard! lol
You can see his photo album on facebook!
November 15th Update:
The more time we spend with Farmboy, the more we laugh at how self-confident he is. I mean, he is the smallest puppy here but he has no idea. He is always trying to get the other puppies to wrestle with him, he steals their marrow bones and flees gleefully away with them, he bounds around the yard with complete abandon. My daughter says we should have named him Scrappy-Doo after the cartoon character. Don’t know Scrappy-Doo??? Here’s a clip!