Fiddle the Border Collie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Last week was one of those crazy weeks.
Wednesday I received a photo of two Aussie puppies that reminded me of my Tenakee, and agreed to rescue them. When I called Gisele to tell her, she told me she had just arranged for me to get two Aussie/Huskies from Alabama. Then Vicki called to say I was getting four Border Collie puppies from Memphis. Sherrie sent me a photo of a litter of Aussies ~ could I take any? Holding my breath and wondering how I was going to break the news to my husband, I agreed to one more…. Wow! that was fast. I went from two to nine in no time at all. Ok, I can do this…..
Thursday Gisele calls to say that one of the Aussie Huskies had been adopted. I was relieved. Eight is better than nine.
Friday she called to say that the adopted puppy was very ill so the shelter wouldn’t release the other one to us. Seven. Vicki e-mailed a short while later: the four Border Collie puppies were taken by another rescue. Nine to three in no time at all. That seemed crazy. Then Sherrie called. She had gone to pick up my three puppies to take to the vet, and while she was there five three-month-old Border Collie puppies came in. “I know you’re full, and it’s really too late, but I thought I’d ask.” She sent me a photo and I gave her the answer I already knew I would: Yes!

And that is how this litter came into our live, a very last minute rescue indeed! Fiddle, Faddle, Flipper, Flapper and Froggy.
Fiddle is a smooth coated Border Collie. To help identify her easily in group photos, I gave her a green collar. She is probably the most people-oriented of the litter. She is constantly at your side or, if you are sitting, has her paws up on your knees in the hopes of being picked up. She is a charming puppy. Her markings are very classic Border Collie, with a full white split down the middle of her face.
Fiddle is being fostered in Winter Park. You can enjoy many photos of her in her photo album. If you think that you might want to give her a forever home, please first review our Dog Tips page and then read our Adoption Process and e-mail
June 11th Update:

Today Courtney came to play. She is the young lady who drove this litter from Atlanta to my home. We had such a nice afternoon, talking and rubbing puppy bellies! At one point she decided to see if the puppies would like to play with a rope toy. The answer was an unqualified “YES!”
June 14th Update:

Fiddle is truly a lovely girl. Out of the whole litter, she is the least intense. She has a gentle spirit to her. As my husband pointed out, when he holds her in his arms, she snuggles her head down and lets out a sigh. Yup, this little one loves her people. As with all the puppies, I’ve switched her to all homemade food. Andi Brown, who adopted our Jangle, gave me copy of her book, The Whole Pet Diet, and it has changed my world. Eating chicken stew every day, stirring in Halo’s Dream Coat, and occasionally adding yogurt, alphalpha, and liver, has filled her out beautifully. It might be my imagination, but I think her coat has even gotten a bit longer since I started feeding her this food!

June 25th:
Fiddle is headed home! Kathy told me that it had been two years since their dog passed away. With both brothers now off at school, daughter Claire had decided it was time to bring a new dog into the family. Fiddle agreed!
Now renamed Sophie, she will be living not so very far away in Orlando!