First Responders (Update)

This story was written by Aylin Arditi. She called me Monday morning while I was at Val-u-Vet with Jordan’s Prize. Aylin is one of our transport volunteers, unfortunately we have never personally met. She introduced herself to me, explaining that she had transported a deaf Aussie for us, and then a litter of pups a few months later. She was frantic, desperate, and although I couldn’t personally help her, I was determined to take her through the steps of rescue. The dog she had found was in critical condition, and every animal clinic she contacted refused to help her, even her own Vet. So the first stop, was Kim at Aloma Jancy.
But this story isn’t just about “Big Guy” know called Beaumont, the Gentle Giant, and it’s not about the American Bull Dog Rescue either. This story is about one person with one very sick dog, and no where to turn. It’s the First Responders who are usually the invisible heroes, and in this case, it’s Aloma Jancy Animal Hospital.
I have 2 dogs in dog-teenage years and one is a high maintenance field lab. I know that I have to get their energies out in order to protect the integrity of my home while I’m at work.
I was driving my babies to a play date when I noticed a huge white dog in front of the park entrance. A young couple was trying to approach him. “Is that yours?” I asked being the busybody that I am. The girl replied, “No we are trying to get this leash on him”. So of course I stopped despite my pups loud protests and brought out a little bag that I always carry in the car that has a cheap leash, water bowl, a bottle water, and some dog biscuits.
As I looked closer at this huge dog I noticed the shape he was in, and got kind of spooked as he looked as though he could die any minute. H was hardly standing on his feet, his eyes closed with pus, several sores oozing all over his body, some cysts dangling from his tummy, and probably weighing half of what his structure demanded. He looked like an anatomical drawing.
He was so thin, I thought sure I could see his heart beat !
We gave him some water he was not interested. The girl said that someone had given some food/water but he had threw up. He had a thick heavy collar on with no tags. We were able to get close and pet him and he sat down. At that point I saw the dire situation he was in and immediately took pictures of him laying on the ground. My first thought was trying to hunt down who did this to him, dump him off to die. His wounds were indicative of being tied outside on hot cement. I was told by the girl that his collar was one that is used to chain dogs outside.
What to do? It was going to be 95 degrees soon. But even to my untrained eye, I knew this guy was in trouble. I could not take this pup in my car as I had my own 2 dogs and did not know whether he had a contagious disease. I had never ever seen a dog actually walking around in that state. After talking with the couple we agreed that trying to find a rescue might give this guy a better chance of survival so while I was trying to call all of the rescues that I know, I was also calling my daughters to come pick up our dogs so I could transport him somewhere where he could be helped.
I started with the numbers of the rescues that I got my pups from, and each rescue that I called gave me more phone numbers to call. All of the rescues that I called were full to the brink and beyond and did not have any means to accommodate one more animal, let alone a big one like this which required lots of resources and space.
One of the rescues (I do not recall which honestly) gave me the number for Gisele – Dog Liberator. I had done transports for The Dog Liberator, but would they remember me?
Gisele suggested that I go to Aloma Jancy hospital. The dog needed to be seen immediately. She felt they might be able to point me in the right direction.
Taking her advise I went to Aloma Jancy immediately with my daughter after leaving my pups home (in a very unhappy state for missing their play date) and was greeted by a wonderful lady named Kim, who came to the car did a quick exam, checked for microchip which was not there, and I was not surprised. The dog wasn’t neutered either.
I texted Gisele, giving her the latest news as it happened. She suggested a heartworm test, and Kim confirmed he had pneumonia.
Kim tested for heartworm and unfortunately that was positive. She gave him a B12 and antibiotic shot and said he looked in pretty serious condition but there was always hope if proper care could be given. Kim estimated his age to be around 5. Unfortunately there was no space for Big Guy there, because he would need is own private kennel and one was not available.
Kim gave me a lot of phone numbers and contacts to call. But my hopes were getting weaker and weaker after each phone call. Gisele suggested I go home and search the internet for more local rescues, and was confident that I would find a Bull Dog Rescue.
Overwhelmed with the task at hand, I said to myself, “What was I thinking? What am I going to do with this poor soul? I really do not want to put him into the system as I am afraid they might not be able to show him the attention he needs to survive. Now I am stuck!
It was almost 9:00, and I realized I had not called work, so called my manager told I had an emergency and I had to take an unexpected vacation day. I know probably not very professional but if I had left the big guy where I saw him, I knew that image would have haunted me for a long time. This guy did not seem to have ever experienced much human kindness and I just wanted him to know that some people are kind.
By this time big guy was definitely feeling the perkiness of the B12 and seemed to be enjoying the ride looking outside the window and getting scratches from my daughter. We continued to stop at animal clinics, and different places asking for help, and it was around 1:00 when we finally had a contact who knew the manager at the local Animal Control.
I was promised that they would not euthanize him for 5 days legally. This made me feel slightly better about leaving him there I still had some time and I could make lot more calls and emails. I was not aware that there were so many rescues right here in Orlando. The people whom I called were calling me back for updates and giving me suggestions.
I had emailed American Bulldog rescue which I was told was very responsive.
Sometime early that afternoon, I went to Animal Control. I really did not want to leave him but I knew that even if I had the means to take him home, he would require professional care immediately.
He did not like going into the building and actually gave quite a tug on the leash which I was pleasantly surprised to feel. Quite powerful considering his condition, I thought he should be called a tugboat.
The Animal Control personnel were great. Although they were a little puzzled about my intentions because I was babbling. In the meantime big guy actually was trying to go with my daughter who he had already bonded with in a few hours. When they came to take him he was not happy and he was a bit spooked. They were very kind to him and brought a cart to roll him to his run. This is the last pictures I took of him.
We were a bit sad but knew that we had done all we could. I continued trying to contact the numbers that I had gotten from the rescues that I called earlier. Later that afternoon, I was so exhausted that we fell into one of those naps where you wake up drooling and totally confused. I honestly do not know how rescue volunteers can operate. I have a different level of admiration for them now for sure.
Immediately after waking up I went to and started calling and emailing local rescues.
Around 7 pm the American Bulldog Rescue representative, Carey, emailed me shocked at the pictures I had sent her and said they were working on getting him out. In less than 2 hours they had finalized the plan to pull him out. That night we sent an email to the animal control manager who was helping us and informed them that The American Bulldog folks were going to try to work with them to bypass the 5 day wait rule for strays making an exception due to the medical condition of big guy.
I finally was relieved that someone took over and the wheels were in motion to try to give the big guy another chance at life. Now of course I started praying that he’ll make it through the night.
Next day I called the animal control as soon as they opened and learned that one of their employees actually went home and brought boiled chicken for him to eat and he was still holding on. Now I am not a mushy person but I admit I was crying with joy. I felt very happy that I made the decision to stop and get involved. I know that not every case will have a positive outcome and big guy may not survive but at least now he has a chance.
Now can’t wait to visit him after he’s recovered.
Oh and one of the rescue people had the following email signature which I adopted immediately:
“No one makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he can only do little”. ~ Edmund Burke
Aylin Arditi
The staff at Aloma Jancy Animal Hospital do this often. I have been there when a good Samaritan walks in with an animal that has been hit by a car, mauled by another animal, or is just simply clinging onto life. As their clients sit in their waiting room, waiting for their appointment, the people at Aloma Jancy deliver life-saving treatment on a daily basis. While they know that not all good Samaritans can afford to pay for their services, these doctors and technicians always put the animals’ needs first.
This story alone, of a woman contacting dozens of animal hospitals only to hear the answer NO, proves why this animal hospital is so important to our community. If you can donate toward the emergency care for not only this dog received, but the countless dogs that this hospital has saved, please contact them directly on their website.
Aloma Jancy saved many of our dogs, including Joey, Dudley, and countless puppies.
To contribute to Beaumont’s Chip In
To visit The American Bulldog Rescue on Facebook.
07/01/11 Update written by Foster: IN MEMORIUM of our beautiful Beaumont: Beaumont did not eat well last night, and this morning he had no interest in anything, not even his meatballs. He has been coughing up the water and some of the food he does eat, but he was not feeling well at all. He went to the door by the laundry room and stood there, indicating that he had to go outside. We went into the yard and he was dragging his paws a bit, not walking normally, he went onto the grass and had diarrhea. When we came in he looked at me- straight in my eyes breathing rather heavy more through his mouth instead of through his nose, and had a glassy look to his eyes.
He needed to get to the vet quickly. I called the emergency vet and told them we were on our way. It was 12:30 and we left. It is always easy to get Beau into the care, he loves to go for rides, even being so sick, he wagged his tail getting into the back seat, but he just laid down and did not look out the windows at all, just put his head on his paw, something is so wrong. It took us 25 minutes to get there and they took him in quickly, his breathing was labored, so they put him into an oxygen tent. I waited quite a while alone, contemplating what is wrong with him, and was nervous and felt sick. They were very busy, and the family next door was crying and crying and I became so sad knowing what had just happened to their cat, she just passed. I had the chills and a very sick feeling about Beaumont’s state of health.
Finally a vet tech came in and took notes about what Beaumont’s behavior has been the last few days. She told me the vet would be in soon, but they were very busy and Beaumont was doing ok in his tent, he was breathing with the assistance of the oxygen he needed. They were going to run a comprehensive blood profile, and take x-rays of his lungs and heart. I waited and the minutes seemed like hours, just staring at the floor and into the parking lot, while Beaumont was in the back in an oxygen tent. A few hours went by and the vet came in, and the look on her face was one I have seen too many times, It was one of great concern. I was not prepared for what she had to say, she said that Beaumont was in heart failure and his heartworms were overwhelming his lungs and the left and right side of his heart, as she showed me his x-ray, I could not believe that that x-ray was his, It was almost completely white, indicating fluid build up from overwhelming heartworms. I told her that his vet said that his lungs and heart sounded good for a dog with heartworms!!! NO! this cant be?!!
His vet said he sounded good??, I do not understand?? She said no, he is in heart failure now. NO! How did this happen so quickly??? She said it’s been progressing for a very long time. She said often times a dog will go into survival mode, his body becomes accustomed to his abuse and neglect, then a rescue comes along and loves him, gives him good food, water and the meds he needs, and their body kind of goes into shock and there is a psychology to this that I think I can understand, but don’t want to. She said he was suffering and could not exist long without being in the oxygen tent.
I called my rescue friend and could not seem to describe to her his situation but I was able to tell her about his x-rays, she helped to advise me, she has been in rescue with giant breeds a lot longer than me and has seen a lot more horrible cases like Beaumont’s than I have or ever want to. The vet took me into the back where Beaumont was resting there in his plexiglass encasement, she opened the doors, I took his beautiful head in my hands, and his tail wagged briefly, I kissed him over and over, knowing it was the last time I would have the honor of loving this wonderful and amazing dog, he was euthanized at about 6:20pm Sat. 6/18/11.
There was nothing any human could do to save him, ultimately it was a human who had a hand in ending his painful existence by allowing him to get heartworms, which ultimately killed him because someone(s) didn’t care. He could not be saved, and it was best for him to let him go and not allow him to suffer anymore. But it is not best for me. I miss him so much and can’t take seeing dogs suffer like this anymore, We just lost Liz May 20th to heartworms, and I told Beau when I first got him that we were not going to let his heartworms take him from us. That he could die of old age in a wonderful family’s home who was going to love him for the rest of his life, but he could not die of heartworms, but – like my promise to Liz, I could not keep my promise-again.
I miss him and love him so much. Thank you everyone for your prayers, sincere concern, very generous donations, encouragement, and above all love for this dog who was absolutely so deserving of a loving forever home and a new happy healthy life, completely the opposite of what he was accustomed to. But someone(s) didn’t care, so he will end up in a cedar box on my book shelf along with the other poor souls who we could not save in time.
Please everyone, tell all the people you know who have pets, to PLEASE get their cats and dogs on heartworm prevent. One simple pill a month is all it takes to keep a dog or cat from dying prematurely from this horrible disease, where worms attack, clog and kill their heart and lungs. It’s so easy for a pet to be spared heartworms, but can be so hard to save the dog once he has them, especially if he is so compromised as Beaumont was. Thank you everyone for loving our beautiful Beaumont, if you met him, you would know how very special he truly was. I am so going to miss kissing his big sunk-in head and wonderfully cold giant nose. We wanted so much to save you Beaumont and I love you, more than you will ever know.
We only had you 18 days. I love you so much.
07/06/11 Update:
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 9:12 AM
Dear Animal Control,
I am contacting you as I already contacted the Sheriff as well as the Orlando Police Department and was advised to contact Animal Control/Services.
There was a dog abandoned at Dr. Phillips Park (see attached pictures) – Orlando at the entrance on May 23rd – found by a good Samaritan at 8:00 am. Clearly the dog was abused, starving, very sick and dumped in one of your parks dying at the entrance.
The story is here and also in the comments below:
This gentle giant as we came to know as Beaumont was actually a Great Dane (being mistaken for a bulldog at first). American BullDog Rescue agreed to help the dog as much as they can since there was nowhere for him to go. Please see the attached pictures, history and story.
I am contacting you to ask for your assistance in pursuing charges against the individual(s) who are responsible for this heinous act. I am offering a $1000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) who are responsible for leaving this dog starving left to die outside of Dr. Phillips Park – Orlando. I am asking your help in promoting my reward as well as pleading with you to help publicize this tragedy. Beaumont ultimately lost his life due to the severe abuse and neglect he suffered.
Please advise me what I need to do further to pursue this action and if any other additional funds are available to add to the reward. I am intent of getting those responsible convicted and pursuing any and all avenues to see that justice is done. This happens far too many times without any prosection. Please contact me and advise me what I need to do further and what contact information I need to supply on my reward posters. Those involved in his rescue are copied here in case you need their information/statements.
My contact information is below and I am the one offering the reward to the person who informs Animal Control of the name(s) of those responsible for abusing this dog and that leads to the arrest/conviction of these people. Please let me know what number/contact information I should put on posters for those with information to contact.
Thank you.
Lea Elise Swartz
Broker – OwnerLE Real Estate Group Inc. c: 727-243-2000 – fax: 813-200-1117 –
In the news
The following comments were made on this post:
I’m trying to think of a wonderful response, but I can’t. Only know that the tears are falling and I have been there too.
Dear Aylin, Thank you for taking the time to help Tugboat and a special thanks to Aloma for being willing to help.
“We can not do great things. We can only do little things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa ~
Thank you for Loving Tugboat.
I would also like to thank Aylin for being the” Big Guys” hero! Regardless of the outcome, his life on this earth has been given greater meaning and his suffering will be over.
Aylin you are a beautiful dog angel!! Beaumont’s dog angel! Bless you and warm wishes!!
I can’t believe anyone could be so heartless as to let any creature get into such a horrific condition and then dump him off like that. Please keep us updated on his condition. It’s sad that Aylin had to go to so many places just to find a place to take him in, but thank god for Aloma Jancy. I only wish I could give more.
Thank you Aylin for caring and being Tugboats’ “EarthAngel”. I know he has a chance for a better life thanks to you and Aloma Jancy. May you all be blessed many times over for the love and compassion you showed one of God’s creatures.
For 18 days Beaumont (Tugboat) was loved, was cared for, was fed, and was happy. For all we know those 18 days could have been the happiest since the day he was born. Thank you for everyone who did the right thing, and tried to save this gentle giant’s life. Rest in peace Beaumont, You were a good boy.
many thanks to the ones who tried to help Beau, and i hope that the ones responsible for his terrible condition get to feel the burn of starvation. and hell after that.
Its clear, Tugboat AKA Beaumont died happy for once in his life. I would love to hunt down the people that did this to him myself. Thank you for taking the time to care about such a gentle giant.
Lea-Thank you for telling the story. We need to educate the public on what’s happening. Unfortunately, this story is one that I hear too frequently. Thanks to each of you for helping him, even if we only help one at a time.
“No one makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he can only do little”. ~ Edmund Burke
This makes me think of a quote I once heard. Forgive me because I don’t recall who originally said it but here goes… Saving one dog won’t change the world but it will change the world for one dog.
You changed the world for Beaumont and although it may have not been for as long as you wanted, you made his final days the best he could have ever had. Thank you for helping him. If only every human being could be so kind!!
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I’m trying to think of a wonderful response, but I can’t. Only know that the tears are falling and I have been there too.