Friendly Smurf~Adopted

This little blue is less than a year old. We believe he is an Aussie Catahoula boy. His owner says he is the most precious couch potato love bucket doggy that ever walked the earth. He is fully housebroken, sits on command, is crate trained, fully up to date on his shots, gets along great with cats and dogs and is spoiled rotten!

If you are interested in meeting one of our dogs or learning more about it, please e-mail us at and let’s get the process going!
Share such information
as where you live,
your household composition,
your yard/fence/exercise plan,
pets you have and/or had,
your normal work schedule,
how much time the dog will be alone,
do you own a pool,
what you are looking for in a dog,
what contingency plans do you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog,
if you rent, do you have landlord approval,
are you prepared to bring your new dog home if you are approved after you meet one of our dogs?

Email your answers to, and then we’ll go from there! Â The more you share the better!