Froggy the Border Collie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Froggy is one of a litter of five Border Collie puppies that we rescued from Gordon County Animal Control. If another litter hadn’t fallen through at the last minute, we would not have been able to save these little ones. Isn’t it neat how things work out?
These are lovely puppies. I estimate that they were born in early March. They came to me very thin but well socialized, playful and self confident.
All of the other puppies are black and white except Froggy, who is a lovely pattern of brown, gold, white and fawn. She is very unique in appearance, and quite striking. As you may know, litters can have different fathers, so I suspect that such is the case here. I would not be surprised if her father was a red

Aussie, but who really knows? What I do know is that Froggy is a very attractive, very affectionate little girl. So special, in fact, that I gave her the name “Froggy.” I have been holding on to that name for over a year, waiting for the right puppy. When I met this one, I knew it was her! She is the reason for the naming of the rest of the litter. Their names had to start with “F”, so I went with Fiddle, Faddle, Flipper, Flapper and Froggy!
Froggy is being fostered in Winter Park. You can enjoy many photos of her in her photo album. If you think that you might want to give her a forever home, please first review our Dog Tips page and then read our Adoption Process and e-mail

June 11th Update:
Today Courtney came to play. She is the young lady who drove this litter from Atlanta to my home. We had such a nice afternoon, talking and rubbing puppy bellies! At one point she decided to see if the puppies would like to play with a rope toy. The answer was an unqualified “YES!”
June 14th Update:

Well, it’s taken a while, but Froggy has really come into her own. I had trouble getting weight on her; I think the combination of shelter, transport and spay really took the wind out of her. I have switched to feeding the puppies nothing but homemade food. Andi Brown, who adopted our Jangle, gave me copy of her book, The Whole Pet Diet, and it has changed my world. And Froggy’s as well. Eating chicken stew every day, stirring in Halo’s Dream Coat, and occasionally adding yogurt, alphalpha, and liver, and this girl is truly beginning to shine! Her personality has really started to come through too. She loves to play with the other puppies, but is also pleasantly independent, wandering off to explore the far reaches of the yard. She’ll happily sit in my lap for attention if I pick her up, but doesn’t demand it. In other words, she is a very well balanced young lady!

June 24thUpdate:
Froggy is headed home! After meeting all the puppies, Adam and Kate asked, “How do you pick?” I told them to let the puppy pick them. “I know which puppy likes you the best. Do you?” They smiled and said, “Froggy.” Yup, no question about it! They’ve renamed her Maui, after where they went on there honeymoon. I like that!