George Clooney~Adopted

George Clooney aka Bandit with his new family. He was adopted by Melissa and her wonderful kids! Dad has met Bandit thru the internet since he is working out of town. Bandit has so far been rollerblading, beach running, took kids to the park, and visited both kids schools! Ponce Inlet, welcome your newest Dog Liberator!!~vicki

George Clooney, formerly known as Bandit, was an owner surrender. His family was referred to me by another rescue friend, Amber Mull. The father of the family had just suffered a horrible accident at work, falling many stories while working on a stage scaffolding. Now in ICU, expected to recover, but facing many surgeries the Mom was in turmoil. You see she is pregnant and already has 2 children under 4. Now faced with a long recovery with her husband, Clooney was being let out to potty by neighbors, not the life for an active border collie. So she made the decision to re-home him.
He was surrendered to me with many tears. The children especially didn’t understand and I promised to find him the perfect loving family. Their emotion was clearly felt by Clooney.
However, he bravely jumped in the car with me and has been a joy! He walks well on the leash, is house-trained, plays ball and gets along well with the other pack members. Clooney is one and half years old and can sit and shake. He is just bursting with personality and so handsome! His family named him Bandit due to the markings he had. So the most handsome bandit I know is George Clooney’s character in Oceans 11. Â He is the dog version for sure, smart, witty, athletic, handsome, great smile! For more pics of Clooney, review his photo album.
You will fall in love with him right away!
George Clooney is being fostered in Clermont, Georgia by Vicki Truelove. If Clooney is your dreamboat contact Vicki at
Please review “How to adopt from Us”

Clooney, Cruise, and Twist go to the River