Got Milk?
- By: The Dog Liberator
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I admit it ~ I’m a sucker for soulful eyes, and that is exactly what this puppy has! When Vicki asked if we could pull him out of a Georgia kill shelter shortly after the tornadoes blew through, I knew we just had to. And I’m so glad we did!
Vicki named his Got Milk because he looks like his nose and feet were in the milk glass. Funny, yes? He is a funny guy indeed. Here’s what Vicke shared with me about him:
“Got Milk is a gorgeous pup. He was so excited to get out of that place. The day i picked him up he had just had surgery and was bounding around the play yard like nothing had happened. But the ride home he cuddled in my lap and hardly moved except to look at anticipation at everything. He greeted everyone at my house like they were old buddies and had a blast. Got Milk is fast and playful! Laps around the house were a norm for him.
Got Milk is indeed extremely playful. He is always dancing, trying to get someone to play ~ me, my husband, my kids, my dogs, the other dogs. He happily chases a Fribee or ball, and when everyone else is tuckered out, he is still alert, just in case something exciting happens. Don’t get me wrong ~ he isn’t hyper, just very playful. He gets by with it because he is so petite, long legged but with a very slender build. He really reminds me of my MacKenzie, both in looks and spirit. That is a compliment!

Got Milk’s appearance is mostly collie, but I suspect that he has some other breed(s) in there as well. We estimate that he was born in mid-February. I doubt that he’ll ever have a large frame, so even if he were to get tall, he won’t be heavy.  He is very fast and loves to chase Frisbees and balls. We’re still working on the return thing.  Milk is truly a family dog. He gets along with everyone and everything. Yesterday I was holding him and he saw my lovebirds. He was fascinated by them! Right now he is sleeping with his head on Fitz Finnegan‘s belly. This little fellow is one easy, loving pup!!!
Got Milk is being fostered in Winter Park, Fl. You can see lots of photos of him in his photo album. If you think you would be interested in adopting Got Milk, please review our adoption process and then contact me at
And don’t forget to review our tips for starting out puppies right!
May 21st Update:
I’ve been impressed by Got Milk since he arrived. After all, he is beautiful with his “silent movie star” eyes, he is fast as lightening, he is smart as a whip. He actually watches airplanes fly overhead, something very few puppies do. But today I saw a side of him I never expected and have never seen in any other puppy I have fostered.

Tahiry and Chris came to meet the puppies today. They brought with them Denali, their two-year-old submissive German Shepherd. As usually happens in cases like this, Denali was a bit overwhelmed by the puppies. She shied away from them, pacing and feeling awkward with their exuberance and sheer number. But then Got Milk did something very interesting. He went over to at a nice pace, not a charge, reached up and licked her face. Then he backed away. A few moments later, he did the same thing. And then he walked around her, then laid in front of her, extending his face up to her. Denali slowly reached down until her nose touched his. And her tail wagged, as did Got Milk. Got Milk continued this easy introduction until Denali was actually moving comfortably with all of the puppies.
I have never seen a puppy display such poise and sensitivity to an adult dog. Denali would have been overwhelmed by a puppy who got in her face. She would have not been made comfortable by a puppy who simply ignored her. Got Milk walked that fine line between the two, helping her adjust to come to ease with all of the puppies. I was so impressed, as were Tahiry and Chris. I’ve been thinking all along that Got Milk would be an awesome family dog or an awesome sport dog. But now I also think he would be an awesome therapy dog. He is truly a special puppy, and I have no doubt that he will soon find a special family to love him!
May 26th:

Got Milk has really blossomed! He is not as demanding as he was when he first arrived, having relaxed and burned off some excess energy. He continues to demonstrate a very keen intellect. He is the first dog I have ever had to learn to shake on the first try. No, seriously, he did! He was sitting in front of me, I reached down, tapped his chest, said,”Shake” and he put his paw in mine, then did it consistently. Scary smart! He has figured out how to cool himself down by paddling out the water in the bowl and then rolling in it. I’ve had puppies before who paddled out the water, but he is the first to do it with a plan!
Did I mention before that he is fast? He really is. This puppy has the potential to be a true sport dog, as in agility or disc dogging. Even if his family isn’t in to competition, they will still have a dog that will be the envy of their friends. Can you tell that I love Got Milk? You can see him racing around in this video. For some reason, the audio is about 3 seconds behind the track. I tried to upload it a couple of time, but it won’t correct. Sorry about that!
May 27th:
I really have to share this video. It’s too funny. Joanna came to adopt Fergie, but she didn’t get to leave without being mauled by the rest of the puppies. Little did I know that Got Milk fancies himself a hair stylist!!!

June 4th:
Look who had gone home! Got Milk has got his wonderful family. The Danley’s beloved Collie recently passed away ~ so many of us know that hole left in our hearts. Since Anita works in the school system, Billy is out for the summer and Nikki and Bryan are home from college, now seemed the perfect time to introduce a puppy into their lives. Got Milk volunteered for the job. No, really, he LOVES them! And I’m thinking they are remarkably fond of him already! Maitland, welcome your newest Dog Liberator pup!
2 thoughts on “Got Milk?”
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This pup is as sweet as he looks. He was added to a transport with five unknown to him pups. He joined their club, and went to sleep during the transport. He is a sweetheart, and yes, his eyes are BEAUTIFUL!!!
Tahiry and I got to spend 2 hours with Holly and the puppies and Got Milk was a joy to be around. He helped our 2 year old german shepherd, Denali, be at ease. He laid down next to her and gave her lots of kisses. He was the first one to approach Denali and attempted to get her to play with him. He is a very sweet and playful puppy and was very attentive to Tahiry and I. He is a great catch and should get scooped up soon so make an appointment before you miss out on a great companion.