Do you have a Minute to Volunteer for Us?

Got some free time on your hands?
SEO: Â Even if you have an hour a week, you can help! We’re looking for someone who is familiar with WordPress and has dabbled in SEO to help beef up our website. We’ll even train you!
Update: Â We’d like to thank Carole Zieler for her help and tips regarding WordPress & SEO!Â
Twitter: Â We need someone to Tweet daily on our behalf!
Update: Â We’d like to thank Cynthia Dancel for volunteering to post on Twitter, but we would love to have 2 or 3 people posting for us! Â If you love to tweet, raise your hand!
Photo Editor: Â We always need folks who can use online photo editing software for our special events!
WordPress Blogger: Â We want to thank Jessica Purvis for blogging on our behalf. Â If you love to write and you’re familiar with WordPress, we have a stockpile of articles that need writing!
If you think you can help (no deadlines) please raise your hand, and email us at