Great NonProfits 2015

For the fourth year we have been listed as a 2016 Great NonProfit! We hope to continue this the trend and would love to hear about your experience and earn this title again in the coming year.

If you’re new to our rescue, you might not know that in 2013, we rated #9 on Great Nonprofits in the country.  We received the award because of reviews from people like you! In 2014 we skyrocketed into the top 50 in a short period of time thanks to your dedication and feedback.  Only your reviews can help us move up again this year!  Simply Click Here to share your comments about your experience.
If you have adopted from us recently, please take a moment and rate our rescue efforts, and describe  your experience adopting from us.  If you asked us for help surrendering and re-homing your dog through our Canine Connect Service, you too can leave us a review.  If we have helped you in any way, please take three minutes of your day, and help us by describing how our help impacted you.
Great NonProfits can be described as the Angie’s list of non-profit companies.  Last  year, only 500 non-profit companies received the top-rated award, and thanks to you, we were one of them!  Woo Hoo!