Half Pint the Shepherd Girl ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Half Pint is one of several puppies we rescued from a high kill shelter in rural Alabama. It is high kill because the people don’t spay/neuter, there is a low population base to adopt to, and the shelter is under funded and over run. It is tragic. When Half Pint arrived, she was sick and became sicker. Truthfully, I was not sure she was going to make it. Two other puppies that we rescued who were in the same kennel also became ill and, sadly, died. My husband who learned how to give them IV fluids in an attempt to save them, held one in his arms, tears in his eyes, whispering to it that it was okay to fall asleep and stop stuggling. I can’t describe to you how heartbreaking it was….
But little Half Pint, the smallest of the crew, managed to pull through. It took her a couple of weeks, but by golly she is now thriving, putting on weight and playing with the best of them. The only down side is that we gave her so much love that she thinks she is very special and shouldn’t have to be in a crate or outside playing. She believes that she should be in a lap or at least lounging on my leather couch. Oh, she’s a princess alright!
Her photo album is posted on our Facebook.
November 24th Update:
Little Half Pint was adopted last weekend but is coming back to us. No fault on her part; it has to do with canine dynamics. Jayne and David have two dogs, a dachshund and a pit bull. The pit bull adores Half Pint and even brings her balls to play with. The dachshund, on the other hand, is very upset at the new addition. That would be okay except now the pit bull is starting to defend Half Pint and baring her teeth at the dachshund, a dog with whom she has lived her whole life. Usually I would say just give it a while, but I have great regard for the natural instincts that have been bred into the different breeds and I don’t think it is advisable to stir the pot with their pittie. The family composition has worked well up to this point, so we’ll just remove Half Pint from their equation and let them continue.
The good news is that Half Pint has shown herself to be a gem. She has done very well on house training, is smart as a whip and loving. Jayne is going to write up some more details so that I can share them with you. I’m not worried ~ Half Pint is wonderful and will quickly find a wonderful home. And the dachshund and pit bull will mend fences and be best buddies again too.
November 29th Update:
Half Pint seems a little sad to me today. She is playing with the other dogs but not with the vigor that she usually does. My daughter sat with her on the couch and her spirits picked right up. This little girl really wants a familly to call her own. They all do, but some of them feel the urgency more than others. I keep telling her not to worry, her time is coming. Her family just doesn’t know about her yet!
November 31 Update:
This morning Half Pint met my newest foster, Pollywog the Boston Terrier. Her reaction was hysterical. She was all, “What the heck are you?” and the more she pulled back, the more nutty Pollywog got! To say the Half Pint was a little freaked out would be an understatement!