Help your Dog have a Safe Holiday!

As we come up on another holiday, we have a few tips to help you and your dog stay safe and happy.
Monitor the Grill – The food you are cooking is very attractive to your pup. They can burn themselves on the hot grill. Also be careful where you dispose of any coals you may have used. They smell like meat juice and can be a tempting snack.
No Cooked Bones – They are choking hazards and can result in dental and mouth injuries, and intestinal blockages and perforations. Ouch!
Watch the Trash – Whether it is the tinfoil you wrapped the steak in, a corn cob, a bamboo skewer, or plastic, your pup might make them a snack and that could land you at the vet.
A Warm Day Warning – Warm temperatures can cause your pet to overheat. Have water available to your pet, provide shaded areas if you are going to be outside, or let them stay inside instead.
Watch What They Eat – Table scraps may seem like a nice treat for your pet but be careful what you share. Fatty foods can upset their stomach and sometimes lead to pancreatitis. Additionally some BBQ foods are toxic to pets including onions, garlic, alcohol and the artificial sweetener Xylitol. Here is a link of Foods Hazardous to Dogs. Instead, consider a special dog treat, or sharing a more pet safe and healthy food, like a carrot!
Monitor Chemicals – Lighter fluid, bug spray, alcohol, sunscreen, you never know what a dog will eat, lick or chew on. Make sure you store them safely out of reach.
Additionally, holiday fun can also lead to lost dogs. Some locations celebrate with fireworks which can be frightening to many dogs. For tips to help deal with thunder, fireworks, and other situations your pup might find scarey, check out the following articles: Helping Your Dog Relax, More Great Ideas for Calming Dogs, and consider using a product we love, The Thundershirt. We strongly suggest making sure your dog’s tags and microchip information is correct, legible, and ready in case they happen to decide to go on an unplanned adventure.
Also remember that a backyard party may result in a gate being left open or a pup slipping out the door. Make sure your guests know the dog is lose in the yard and/house. It is better to be prepared for the chance of your dog running away, and implement preventative measures where you can, so please check out the following articles: How to Prepare for the 4th of July, Lost and Found – The Stray Dog, and Dog Catching Tips. Additionally our 4th of July post may be helpful.
Have a safe and Happy Labor day!