Honey, You’re Just Great

My family once owned a dog with a fierce allergy problem. His name was Sam and he suffered from horrible skin conditions for most of his life. Nothing the veterinarian gave him provided a decent means to an end for his problems – most provided no relief and those that did were detrimental to his long-term health or transformed him into a thirteen pound Cujo. Wits exhausted, we sought new remedies. We decided to give local, raw honey a whirl.
It was a godsend.
After a few days, Sam’s scratching, biting, and overall involvement in irritating his skin was lessening. Weeks later, zero irritation and his raw spots were healed. Months gone, he was as white as he’d ever been and he had great energy to him. This was seven years ago and he still gets a tablespoon of honey at every supper. He’s fifteen now and still is pretty excited about life, he’s just not as quick to demonstrate these days.

It’s long been circulated that honey may help reduce the effects brought on by pollen-related allergies. The honey must be local (within a 40mi. radius) and raw. Local honey ensures that the bees have collected pollen from plants from your area – the same pollen that may actually aggravate your dog’s allergies. Raw honey is critical for it hasn’t been heated too high, which means there is actually pollen still in it. It should look quite dissimilar to the golden, translucent, ultra-pasteurized option contained in that plastic bear at Publix. You shouldn’t be able to see through it. Farmer’s markets are a gem when it comes down to finding the local, raw stuff.
Honey also has antibiotic properties which can help those canines out there suffering from any gastrointestinal issues and, of course, for cuts or burns. (If you aren’t necessarily seeking allergy relief, but are most interested in the antibiotic properties, Manuka honey contains the highest levels of antibacterial and anesthetic components. You want it to read “UMF Manuka” or “Active Manuka” on the label.)
With all that awesome stuck in your head, it’s now disclaimer time. Whether or not local, raw honey helps with allergies, or even contains pollen, lacks major scientific backing. Truth is, no one has really done enough research to provide a conclusive answer. However, I’m a firm believer that honey can benefit your dog, if not for reducing allergy symptoms then just for the fact it’s an antibiotic powerhouse. Holistic veterinarians swear by it and beekeepers are learned enough in the ways of the bee to provide us with the local, raw tip. Bottom line is, most worker bees collect pollen and it’s all over them and the hive when they’re storing the honey in the comb. Pollen will mix with the honey, the same way dust and dirt in the air can settle and mix with the water of a pond.
So what are you waiting for? Your hound wants some honey.
By Adam Sweeney