Jedediah the Basset Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Jedediah is purebred Basset puppy, born around mid-April. His family asked us to rehome him when the wife’s pregnancy took an unexpected turn and became a high-risk pregnancy. Certainly the last thing she needed was a puppy to take care of, so here he is!
I just adore Jed. No surprise there ~ Bassets are my favorite breed. He is playful and loving, and a complete goofball. His ears are so long that sometimes, when he is running, he steps on them, does a complete face-plant, followed by a less-than-graceful somersault! He is a talkative fellow too, using his “wooo wooo wooo” voice to express every fleeting thought that passes through his adorable head. lol

Bassets are an interesting breed, the polar opposite of our rescue’s primary breed, the Border Collie. Once mature, they are laid back and easy going, but famously stubborn. As the owner of two Basset-mixes, I know this all too well! One trainer actually said to me, “Some people believe that Bassets are untrainable, but I don’t believe that is totally true.” Wow, faint praise indeed! lol Pretty much if you throw a Basset a stick, he’ll look at you with those Basset eyes, as if to say, “Hey, you dropped something. You might want to go get it.” And, as my friend Lou likes to say, “remember the stuff that comes out of their jowls in NOT slobber, IT IS MAGIC BASSET JUICE, to be enjoyed and blessed with!!!”

Yup, I love Bassets, and I just love Jedediah. He is a joyful puppy that makes me smile just to look at him! I have already taken an outrageous number of photos that you can see in his photo album. He is being fostered in Winter Park, Fl.
If you think that Jed might be the dog for you, please first do some breed research, read our article Starting Your Dog Off Right, review our Adoption Process, and then e-mail me at
July 23rd:
July in Florida is, well, warm. Very warm. The dogs and I were outside and I thought, “Oh, I’ll get some video of them playing.” They thought, “This woman is an idiot. Let’s go inside where it is air conditioned.” They won!
July 24th:
Jedediah is bored. And what does a bored puppy do? He finds something to do! But what if it is a bizzillion degrees outside? Well, he makes sure that “something” is in the shade and requires minimum effort. Oh, how I love this boy!!!

July 29th:
Jedediah was adopted today;  it was love at first lick! Aisling and George’s two basset hounds passed away within months of one another five years ago. You know they were loved, as their ashes came with the family when they moved here from Ireland. The hole left by two bassets is pretty huge and could only begin to be mended by a face like Jedediah’s. Once again, I am blessed to see another of my darling puppies go to a home where I know he will be loved forever! Jedediah will be making his home in Celebration, Fl (That means I’ll be seeing him at our November 5th reunion!!!)
3 thoughts on “Jedediah the Basset Puppy ~ Adopted”
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I am very interested in adopting Jedediah, I had a bassett hound many years ago and she was a doll. I am a senior citizen, but I am very active and walk about 3-4 miles a day. I would like company on these walks and it looks like Jedediah would love to accompany me.
Happy to hear Jedediah is going to be adopted, but sad to say it is not going to be me. I really was looking forward to having him, since my 8 yr.old golden was put down 2 weeks ago, and I miss him.He really seems like a great dog.
Jedidiah’s mug ought to be on a Bassett Hound calendar… lol!