Jelly Bean, the Perfect Family Dog~Adopted

07/4/12 Update: We received an urgent message from Cyndy Doty that all of Sam’s dogs were being surrendered by Sam. Since three of those dogs originated from TDL, we made arrangements for them to be boarded, however, those arrangements could not be met and they were returned to us personally by Mrs. Doty. We were not able to reach Sam, but we did speak to her parents, who confirmed that Sam wanted all of her dogs to go to good homes. We immediately re-homed Jelly Bean, aka Boomer to his original foster, Lynn, who has always wanted to keep him.
Note: Due to the number of phone calls and emails we have received from shelters and pounds please be aware that Sam Mauldin no longer volunteers for The Dog Liberator. She can not pull, transport, or foster dogs for our rescue.
history:  Jelly Bean is a young Border Collie boy, with the coveted split face. There may be a touch of another breed in him, but he presents predominately Border Collie in both appearance and temperament. I wonder if it is Beagle, since he is rather small at 35 pounds or so. Jelly Bean is a product of Aloma Jancy Animal Hospital, a place where countless dogs are dropped off, only to have their owners never show up to reclaim their dogs.  It’s pathetic.  Still day after day, Aloma Jancy saves lives, and rehomes the dogs that they can… they really work hard.
Jelly Bean is very active, but I like the way he takes time to chill and rest when the pack is not playing. Â He was very excited to play with Ozzie and Lady Di, and obviously he must be a good bean, because Lady Di accepted him right away – which doesn’t happen very often!
Mr. Jelly Bean also was very quick to greet my daughter Sarah, with a gentle kiss, and he is very focused on the ball (like every Border Collie should be).
He is being fostered by Lynne Flannery in Deltona, and last night, Lynne sent me a quick text that her dog, Gabe, really likes this young pup!
Jelly Bean can be an athletic dog, capable of keeping up with a jogger, disc or agility enthusiast, and maybe even be a great pool dog! Â He has such an incredible focus and recall, to be honest, this dog is a cake walk even for a first-time dog owner!
So Jelly Bean is definitely a family dog, and just like play dough, you can shape him into anything you want! Â His photo album can be viewed on Facebook.
If you think you might be interested in adopting Jelly Bean, please first read our Dog Tips, then review our adoption process and e-mail
June 16th Foster Update:

Jellybean is a wonderful dog. He definitely has a lot of energy and spends most of his time playing with my dog – wrestling and running around outside. He listens very well and is easy to correct. So far he has only chewed one sock that somehow escaped me before it was too late. He is happy to go right into the crate when I show him a treat. He runs in, and sits and waits for his reward. I have fed him alongside other dogs without a problem, other than eating too fast.
I do have a cat on my back porch. He has played with the cat and chased it in a curious, playful way; not in a you are prey I want to kill you way. My cat stands its ground, and they have played a bit. The cat has rubbed up against him.
Basically, if I were looking for a second dog – he would be it…and he is the first foster I have had in a year that I have said that about.
Jelly Bean is on his way to Gainesville, where he will be adopted by Sam Mauldin. Special thanks to Erica Brilliant, who volunteered to transport Jelly Bean to his new home!