Join us for Mardi Gras on Main Street, DeLand

We had a blast and we can’t wait to brainstorm for ideas for next year! Â You can see Dianna’s photos here: Â Â
Click here to see our Kissing Booth photos!
NEW: Â TDL Dog Walkers, Meet at the First Baptist Church between Pennsylvania and Plymouth at 10:30 tomorrow, Saturday, March 1st!
If you are NOT walking, please visit our booth on Indiana Blvd.
Mardi Gras on Mainstreet in downtown DeLand is Saturday, March 1st, 2014.  Meet us there around 10:00 and join us in the parade!  We went last year, and had a blast!  Click here to see our post  and click here to see our Facebook photos from last year!  This is the biggest DeLand event, about 30,000 are coming just for this parade! Please make a commitment to meet us there!

We will hand out beads and candy, and it’s up to you if you want to dress up your dog! Â If you have ever wanted to hear people oohing over your dog, this is your day! I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “Oh, look at the collie, look at the Aussie”. When they asked where these gorgeous dogs came from, it was so much fun to answer with one word. “Rescued!”
Please RSVP on Facebook!

More details: Â We will be collecting phone numbers and email addresses, everyone who enters will automatically get a chance to win our raffle prize, which Sheila is making. Â However, each animal that is photographed by our wonderful photographer, Dianna Noreen will also get a chance to win our raffle – but when the day is over we’re going to publish all of our kissing booth photos on Facebook in an album, and have a contest! Â You’ll be the voters, and we’ll select a winner! Â Woo Hoo! Â Stop by our Kissing Booth and get your pampered pooch’s photograph taken!
Stephanie Perryman will be setup at the Mardi Gras Parade at 8:30 AM on Indiana Blvd. She will have a TDL tent setup, with her kissing booth. Our own Dianna Noreen, photographer, will be there to take photos of folks with their pets! These photos will be published here!
TDL T-shirts and baseball caps will be available for purchase!
We will have a free-to-enter raffle being made by Sheila Coffman!
Be sure to stop in and see us before and after the parade and get your photo taken in the kissing booth!
If you want to come to the parade, but don’t want to be in it, meaning you don’t want to be a dog walker, consider volunteering at The Dog Liberator’s booth! If you are interested, we can give you all the details, email
Attention TDL Dog walkers – People walking in parade will meet at the Cummings gym (stetson right off of Woodland BLVD north of downtown) There is usually parking available behind the Cultural Art Center on the corner of Woodland and University Ave. I believe everyone meets at 10am who is walking in parade. Â Â While we are thrilled about the number of people coming to the parade, know that this is the biggest annual event DeLand has – over 30,000 people are expected. Only TDL Dog walkers, wearing TDL t-shirts, and/or representing TDL by dog walking, can actually be in our section of the parade. Parade onlookers, please cheer us on as we walk by your group!
This just in: Â As for parking…..the best bet might be the parking garage next to the new courthouse. You can also park in church parking lots…..First Presbyterian might be a good choice. That is on Woodland Blvd, and you can enter their lot on Florida Ave.
We are excited that Newman Veterinary folks will be joining us!