Judge Baloo, the Gentle Giant ~ RIP

01/24/13: Judge Baloo aka Sammy, passed away today at 4:00 to congestive heart failure due to complications from Addison’s disease. All of us from The Dog Liberator grieve for his family’s loss. Sammy was only two years-old. He will never be forgotten. This video was created for Ella and Ava. May their future be filled with many memories of wonderful dogs.
Note: The song used in Sammy’s video was by George Skaroulis, Vicki Truelove gave me his autographed CD. It’s amazing music, and available on Amazon and other online stores. Extra special thanks to Vicki Truelove, Dawn Chapelle, and Anita Barber for helping us rescue this gentle soul.
History: Judge Baloo’s story is different than others. I rescued him at the request of the shelter rescue coordinator, they loved him that much. While he had not had much luck in life, this night his luck would change.
The officer knocked on the door of the trailer and someone came to the door. “Is this your dog?” she asked. “Well, not really, but we have been feeding it.” “He wandered up about 6 months ago and we keep him tied up mostly and feed him.” “Do you want to keep him?” she asked. “Because I think I can find him a good home.” “Nah, you can have him” So she gently put the leash around his neck and led him to the truck. He didn’t look back.
I sent a text to Dawn, who was already fostering Cindi Loo Hoo, it said ” Would you foster a 100lb couch potato and I sent his shelter picture. She immediately responded with “Yes, Yes, Yes!” She went to meet the animal control officer,(yes, she transports too!) By the time she got home with him she already loved him. I’ve received several emails from her trying to talk herself out of wanting this boy. She says he’s the best foster she has ever had, and she’s had some good ones!
Update Dec. 30, 2011: Judge Baloo found his family today! He was adopted with a unanimous vote by the Watt family. They had lost one of their beloved dogs a little while ago and had a hole left where she was. Their dog Lola seemed to be missing her companion terribly. So they all came to meet Judge Baloo today in Dahlongega, Ga! and what fun it was! Baloo is such a balanced dog that we feel he will fill the hole in the family and bring it back to balanced again. He loved his two new little girls and Lola. The best part is Jan is our Angel Anita Barber’s sister!!! So Anita was here too! It was a good day! Davidson, N.C. Welcome your new Dog Liberator!!!! wooo-hooo!

Judge was later renamed to Sammy!