Magpie Goes on Transport to Florida!

It’s Magpie from Natalie Reeves! Natalie’s original email states:
Gisele, here’s Magpie:
28.5 lbs
She is a small
whispy long tail (not an aussie tail)
whisps on legs and earsestimated 3-4 years old
has had a litter in the past
not yet spayed
low hw +
Let me know your thoughts. Jackie can cover getting her treated slow kill method if you want her treated here before she would come. She has the ivermec at home and can do slow kill under the supervision of the vet she works for.
Natalie Reeves
Christina Skrobak puts Magpie on a scheduled transport for 08/21/10, and here’s what it looks like! So this weekend, Magpie will be on her way to us, along with a few new friends! All email addresses and phone numbers were removed from this run sheet.
Transport coordinator: Christina Skrobak
Border Collies & MORE Express….! Four very lucky Border Collies/mixes and ‘MORE’ (Hound puppy, Lab & 3 Basset puppies) have been accepted into FL rescues from kill shelters in central AL. They’ve been fortunate so far, in getting a reprieve for their life, now they just need the last step to star their new lives…a ride! Just a little help from you all will complete this wonderful rescue story!
If you can help, please contact Christina Skrobak at my email address. If you can’t help, personally, PLEASE crosspost to anyone you know in the areas of transport or that you’ve met along the way in prior transports.
When offering to drive a leg, please provide the following information to my email
Leg you can drive:
Cell number:
Home number:
Vehicle description:
Clanton, AL – Tampa/Orlando, FL; 8-21-10
Line up as follows:
**4 Border Collies/Border Collie mixes; 1 Hound puppy; 1 Lab; **
Transport coordinator: Christina Skrobak /
1) Clanton, AL – Montgomery, AL…..NEEDED
(Magpie & Leo ONLY)
45 min. / 40 miles
8 am-8:45 am (CST)
Driver 1:
2) Montgomery, AL – Troy, AL…..Filled (Thanks Karen!)
(Magpie, Leo, and )
60 min. / 50 miles
9 am-10 am (CST)
Driver 1: Karen L.
3) Troy, AL – Dothan, AL…..Filled (Thanks Leonard!)
1 hr. 10 min. / 57 miles
10:15 am-11:25 am (CST)
Driver 1 only: Leonard
4) Dothan, AL – Marianna, FL…..Filled (Thanks Leonard!!!!)
45 min. / 37 miles
11:40 am-12:25 pm (CST)
Driver 1 only: Leonard
5) Marianna, FL – Tallahassee, FL…..NEEDED
1 hr. 5 min. / 66 miles
12:40 pm-1:45 pm (CST)
1:40 pm-2:45 pm (EST)
Driver 1:
Driver 2:
6) Tallahassee, FL – Live Oak, FL…..NEEDED
1 hr. 20 min. / 82 miles
3 pm-4:20 pm (EST)
Driver 1:
Driver 2:
7) Live Oak, FL – Gainesville, FL…..NEEDED
1 hr. 10 min. / 73 miles
4:35 pm-5:45 pm (EST)
Driver 1 only: Chris
8) Gainesville, FL – Wildwood, FL…..NEEDED
1 hr. 5 min. / 65 miles
6 pm-7:05 pm (EST)
Driver 1:
Driver 2:
9a) Wildwood, FL – Deltona, FL…..NEEDED
(_____ will be departing transport here for Jesse {The Dog Liberator Rescue}to pick up)
(Magpie, Leo, Shiloh & Aussie)
55 min. / 53 miles
7:20 pm – 8:40 pm (EST)
Driver 1:
9b) Wildwood, FL – Tampa, FL…..NEEDED
(3 Basset puppies, Marley, & Roxie)
1 hr. 20 min. / 78 miles
7:20 pm – 8:40 pm (EST)
Driver 1:
Name: Leo
Breed: Border Collie
Sex: Male
Color: Black & White
Age: approx. 2 yrs
Weight: approx. 35-45 lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament: He is a very happy-go -lucky dog. He knows ‘sit’.
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but may crate if you wish (LARGE CRATE)
Name: Magpie
Breed: Border Collie mix
Sex: Female
Color: mostly white with black spots, one black ear one white ear
Age: approx. 2-4 yrs
Weight: approx. 28.5 lbs (she is small for a border collie)
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament: This dog rides well in the car, does well on leash, has not given us any inclination she is a high flight risk, no known quirks, is a very confident little girl, is very happy & sweet, does well with other dogs.
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (MEDIUM CRATE)
Name: Shiloh
Breed: Border Collie
Sex: male
Color: black & white
Age: approx. 1.5 yrs
Weight: approx. 55 lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament/is this dog a ‘flight risk’? Yes; he’s “iffy” on a leash & he probably would run from people he doesn’t know; doesn’t like cats & large male dogs
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (LARGE CRATE)
Name: Aussie
Breed: Border Collie mix
Sex: Male
Color: Black & White
Age: approx. 1 yr
Weight: approx. 50 lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament: doesn’t like other large male dogs
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (LARGE CRATE)
Name: Karen’s BC
Breed: Border Collie mix
Sex: female
Color: black & white
Age: approx. yr
Weight: approx. lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament:
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (LARGE CRATE)
Name: Marley
Breed: Lab
Sex: female
Color: yellow
Age: approx. 3 mos.
Weight: 25lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament. Good
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (MEDIUM CRATE)
Name: Puppies
Breed: Bassett Hound mixes
Sex: 2 females & 1 male
Color: female #1: tan w/white spot on back of neck & white left front toes; female #2: white, tan on left side of face & tan spots on left ear; Male: white w/tan spots on ears.
Age: approx. 3 mos.
Weight: approx. 20 lbs each
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament. Good
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (MEDIUM/LARGE CRATE for all)
Name: Roxie
Breed: Hound
Sex: Female
Color: Brown
Age: approx. 12 wks
Weight: approx. 10 lbs
How animal ride in vehicle/temperament: Not leash trained; Likes everyone.
Traveling with: collar (MUST HAVE ID ON COLLAR!), leash, and paperwork
Crate provided?: No, but you may crate if you wish (SMALL CRATE)
Sending shelter/rescue (#1)
Shelter name: The Dog Pound; Athens, AL
Shelter contact: Melissa Murphree
Cell number:
Sending shelter/rescue (#2)
Shelter name: Birmingham Jefferson County Animal Control; Birmingham, AL
Shelter contact: Natalie & Greg Reeves
Cell number:
Sending shelter/rescue (#)
Sending shelter/rescue: Greenville Animal Shelter & Pet Nanny Rescue; Greenville, AL
Shelter name: Greenville Animal Shelter
Shelter contact: Kristi / Kandys Killough
Contact numbers:
Receiving Rescue (passengers #1-5)
Rescue Name: The Dog Liberator; Orlando (Deltona), FL
Rescue Contact: Gisele Veilleux
Cell number:
Home number:
Receiving Rescue (passenger #5)
Rescue Name: Lucky One’s Rescue
Rescue Contact: Kelley Curtis
Cell number:
Transport coordinator: Christina Skrobak /
I wanted to share this with you so that you can see for yourself, just how many people are involved with saving just one dog!
Can’t wait to meet you and your friends Magpie!
2 thoughts on “Magpie Goes on Transport to Florida!”
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Magpie woke up with a little "pep" in her step this morning. I think she's starting to feel better after getting spayed Tuesday. If there is one word I can use to describe her it is EASY! She's a sweet little girl and is quite content just hanging around. She walks well on a leash and has no problem making friends in the neighborhood. She is a lover, she likes to put her tiny little head on your lap and follow you around. We have been using the crate at night, she's a little reluctant to get in but settles down fine in it. We are working on some basic commands and putting on some weight and muscle on her.
Took Magpie to the beach again today. I have been giving her some freedom and she has certainly earned it! She is even fetching a tennis ball that is when the birds don't distract her. She's even getting her feet wet in the ocean. Magpie is a velcro dog yet she is confident and adventurous.She is just delighted to be by your side and plays wonderfully with other dogs.