Peppermint Pattie, the field bred English Setter ~ Adopted
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Meet Peppermint Pattie, a 2-year-old field bred English Setter that comes to us from an overpopulated rural Florida shelter. Shelter volunteers asked us to take her because the shelter’s adoption area is so full, adoptable new intakes don’t make it out of the quarantine area unless potential adopters see them online. Originally, shelter staff thought Pattie was a border collie mix, but we think she presents more as a field bred English Setter. In any case, she’s quite lovely!
Make sure you look through Peppermint Pattie’s facebook photo album.
If you think you might be interested in adopting Peppermint Pattie, please first read our page on Starting Your Dog Off Right, then review our Adoption Process and e-mail me at
Sept. 4, 2011: ADOPTED! Peppermint Pattie was adopted on Sunday by the wonderful Henderson family and their lovely English Setter/Springer Spaniel mix, Churchill. Aren’t they adorable together? Orlando, welcome your newest Dog Liberator dog! ~ Amy