
Sometimes, you just have to take your lumps. When I was asked to take Poppy into my rescue, I thought she was fully vetted, spayed, microchipped, and therefore, I did not need to ask for sponsorship… she was ready to go… so I thought.
Poppy did not get the level of medical care I would expect people to give their dogs. Â Am I surprised? Â Unfortunately, I am not.

I took Poppy to the vet today because I noticed she was scratching her ears. Â I’ve been using ear wash but still thought she should be looked at. Â Poppy’s anal glands were full (she was scooting), and she had a lot of gunk in her ears – they are both infected. Â To boot, once Dr. Oliver looked into her mouth, Poppy needs a new smile, and some of her teeth must be extracted to prevent serious infection. Â The cost to treat Poppy will cost us more than shots and spay would have.
Unfortunately, I have to ask for your help. Â Poppy needs a Virtual Foster to help us pay for her medical care. Â Do I have to do all of this for her? Â Is there a code that says rescues must do things like dental, fix hernias, remove tumors, groom, etc.? Â No! Â But if we don’t do it, the dog suffers. Â We can’t fix everything, but we sure can try.
Thank you in advance for your help.

History: Â Poppy just arrived last night. She is five years old and stunning. She has met the pack, and is very interested in all of the smells in the yard. She is crate-trained, and quiet. Updates coming soon!

You can see her photos on Facebook.
Evening Update: Â Poppy loves men! Â Hilarious! Â She won’t come to me but she sure greeted my son Ryan and his Dad immediately, and she stayed with him, and sat at their feet! Â Poppy has worms, I dewormed her this evening and she had a whole can of dog food. Â She’s stuffed! Â In her original photos she looked fluffy and healthy, but once I met her, she was very thin, and her hair is very thin as well. Â We cut some big mats out from under her ears, she appreciated that! Â More updates coming soon!

09/12/13 Update: Â I am Poppy. I love men and boys, I can outrun a Border Collie, I’m incredibly smart and affectionate. I am fully trained, but because I’m too smart for my own good, I need to be in a crate when you are gone (I know how to open doors). I love nose work, and could be an awesome working dog! If you can’t find your slippers, just ask me!
You can see my photos on Facebook.~ Poppy

09/20/13 Update: Â From the moment Poppy met the Levine family, she knew that they were hers! Â I have spoken to the Levine family several times since Poppy moved in, and she is adjusting beautifully! Â They just love her!
One thought on “Poppy~Adopted”
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Poppy looks soooo much like Bella! I wish I could have her too!