PTSD Trained German Shepherd ~ Adopted!
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Six years old and absolutely amazing. Great family dog. We are searching for the perfect Central Florida home for him. Please Visit our How to Adopt from Us page
and Email
The word Keep has been used all week at my house, even by me. This gorgeous boy is truly amazing. You can see more photos of him on Facebook.
History: This is a six year-old German Shepherd who was trained as a PTSD Detection and Seizure Alert Dog. He was owned by a very young woman for several years, where he provided companionship and safety. She recently passed away, and her family has entrusted our rescue with his care, which was an incredibly difficult decision for them to make.
1/12/15 Update: To put to rest the “vanishing” and “re-appearance” regarding our adoption of Diesel back in late November 2014, TDL wants to be clear on our re-posting of Diesel for adoption. We received multiple inquiries and thank you. We have spent the past several weeks evaluating Diesel and addressing outside issues as to TDL’s adoption of Diesel. We are happy to report that Diesel has enjoyed a festive holiday and much loving and is now ready for that “forever home”.
We apologize for any confusion or delays in responding to your requests, but it was necessary to take prudent and precise steps in our handling of Diesel’s adoption, and re-homing. We are secure that we have accomplished that mission and are moving forward with TDL’s commitment to excellence and transparency in all of our endeavors.
1/25/15 Update: We are excited to announce that Diesel has found his place! Congratulations to the Watson family! We are so happy for you Diesel!