Purebreds in Kill Shelters

400,000 are killed in California Shelters and Pounds each year. Â Can you imagine what the total numbers are in America? Â Many shelters, pounds and vets do not report their numbers to HSUS so I have no idea what the yearly numbers are today. Â How many do you think are purebreds? Â This video was designed to give back to the employees and volunteers of the Shelters, Pounds, and Animal Control Organizations that break their backs every day to save the adoptable purebreds that come to our rescue.
When Laura Watson left Jacksonville’s Animal Control with Mini Cooper, a woman stopped her to marvel at his beauty:
“Oh, he’s Gorgeous!” She said.
“He came from the pound!” Laura explained.
“NO!” the woman gasped. “Where?”
“Just down the road that way!” Laura blurted!
“You’re kidding!” she gasped again.
“Lady, pounds aren’t exclusive for mixed breeds.”
I hope that animal rescue volunteers copy and share this video to help educate the public about the joys of adopting… and Please spay & neuter.